jam989 avatar
2 years ago


How do you guys feed yourselves?? I never have an appetite and when I do I can never make a decision on what to eat or have the energy to make anything! 😩😩😩

spiderplantt avatar

I was going through a rough patch a few years ago and just stopped eating because I couldn't cope with the process of feeding myself. I just drank coffee all day and then would have like a bowl of popcorn for dinner - made myself soooo sick, do not recommend. Like, hair falling out, wasting away, my skin felt like it was burning all the time, and I eventually crashed and couldn't get out of bed for 3 weeks (and it took many more months to recover fully - I have 2 kids and am a single parent. It wasn't pretty.) I now get pre-made salads delivered weekly so all my lunches are taken care of, and I make the same smoothie every morning for breakfast. That eliminates having to decide what to eat and clean up is easy. Dinners I keep simple too - precooked protein, pre chopped veg, pasta. Yes, it's all more expensive than food you prep and cook yourself, but way better than the cumulative effects of consistently not getting good nutrition. Start small, with one meal and make it a priority. Simplify it as much as you can and commit to it. I cried my way through making myself a breakfast smoothie for MONTHS because it just felt like too much. Now I look forward to it. Also, instacart groceries, avoid shopping in person - for me shopping in person uses all my executive functioning spoons before I even get to the cooking part.

wacky avatar

I'm in the same boat as you

stefka13x avatar

I do the snack thing too, but I get a lot of my stuff from whole foods so none of that processed fake stuff.

Shmanders avatar

Tip from TikTok: eat like a toddler. Prepackaged crackers, lunchables, nuts, applesauce, etc. Also premake pb&js when you have the will and freeze them. It's good enough for Uncrustables, it's good enough for you

jam989 avatar

Ugh yeah ordering take out happens way too much and binging at like 10-11 pm

bankses avatar

I either just vape, not eat and then end up binging or ordering take out, neither of which are healthy so I feel your pain on this one!

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