Julia from Numo avatar
Julia from Numo
11 months ago

Need your opinion on the courses ^_^

Hi beautiful souls! We received some feedback that you want new bite-size courses to learn new ADHD coping strategies. Aaaaaand… 🍓 We are about to start creating it🍓 Share your feedback: - What topics you wanna see first? - How should we enhance the format at all? Julia, CEO of Numo

chiquitabananna avatar

Project management and task management

aLittleUnwell avatar

Would be great if our repeating daily tasks were automatically moved to the top of our lists instead of having to move them manually. Or... separate lists

Julia from Numo avatar
Julia from Numo

Hey! We are working on a separate list for repeating tasks, launching soon

b-alex avatar

Adding a “search” option for message boards, courses, etc.

lazydazy avatar

Hey Julia! These bite-stories are awesome, thx a lot! Highly appreciate practical advices that we can practice in the app straight ahead (like “write down the most absurd start of the task you postpone”) I think more self-help exercises from cognitive therapy on different topics would be great. For, example, the tracking table for emotions/reactions, bullet list of questions person should revise at a crisis moment, breathing techniques, guide for “difficult no” diary (Gabor Mate’s approach) etc. 💙💛

ParabolicHeater avatar

Sounds like a commitment

Julia from Numo avatar
Julia from Numo


Julia from Numo avatar
Julia from Numo

Yes, it’s totally a commitment 😄

coursegrind avatar

I’m not sure this qualifies as a bite-course/topic, but one thing that irritates me is that I’m not very good at spontaneous or tangential discussions at work during meetings. This has really required me substantial pre-meeting brain storming. In the past it has caused some anxiety but I feel I’m getting better at it. For me a big stress reducer is just being prepared but with the added adhd challenge most of the time I feel as though I have no time. Maybe it’s just me ineffective at managing my time and executing specific tasks. But I feel preparation is a big challenge for me. In regards to enhancing format, my suggestion is to have a bigger editing window. I would like to see what I typed (maybe 6-7lines) so I can make sure I’m writing out my thoughts correctly.

AnnHelen avatar

I would love to have a notification page where I can see what post other have replied to. And also, when scrolling down on a topic, it would be nice to return to topic lay without having to scroll all the way up again 🙂

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