ezrara avatar
10 months ago

Dune Audiobook

Just scrolling Audible and saw Dune is on there. I haven’t gotten around to seeing the movies but have heard they’re really good. Has anyone read the book? Without spoilers, what did u think? And also what other series would u recommend for a Dune enjoyer?

adhdbee42 avatar

I’m a huge Dune fan, but it is an “older” sci-fi novel, so it may not be as interesting to some people! I don’t know who the voice(s) for the audiobook are but I bet that’s a great way to read it!

ezrara avatar

I managed to get through the LOTR books a few years ago! (the movies helped a lot with visualising) I’ve listened to a few chapters now and it’s actually easier to follow than I expected for older writing! I’m liking it, the voice actors are great too

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