michelita avatar
1 year ago

Study hacks, please!

I am in graduate school and I am struggling to keep up with assignments. What has work for you? I specially struggle with organizing my ideas and perfectionism. Help!

michelita avatar

Thank you all for your comments! As the new semester starts, I am going to try your suggestions and find out what works best. :)

mojojojo avatar

I like using my calendar and reminders! Put everything in your calendar, literally everything!!! Once a week I dump all my tasks on it and every morning or night I check it to see what my plans are tomorrow. Colour code it eg uni in green, work in purple, assignments in red etc and also use your reminders app for silly things you may forget like putting washing on or sending an email after work :)

ihateadhd13 avatar

love this. thanks for asking!

LunaMoon avatar

I used to go to the school library on my own and sit in one of the private rooms with the late white boards and bring lots of colorful dry erase markers and write out all of the math problems on the board and work out problems on my own. Or I’d bring a friend and teach the material to them using the white board. It helped me remember the info.

Frolic avatar

I like to read my notes/textbooks out loud and write down stuff that I find important or interesting (even if in the end I’m not going to use it it keeps me engaged) and I write it down even when I read my notes (sort of double note taking I guess but the purpose is different).

Frolic avatar

I like to use a mantra “Done is better than perfect” or “Progress not perfection”. It also helps to know the end goal. How are you expected to make something. (Do I need to make it perfect? Or is just 50% going to be enough). Asking people for their opinion (if they’re knowledgeable on the topic). Also perfection is impossible. Finding out that for me perfectionism comes from trying to please others helped a lot. You can’t control other people so it’s pointless putting so much time and effort for that reason (alone). As for organising ideas i like to combine mind maps, flow notes (I mostly dont use arrows), or drawings. Making notes chaotic (objectively) but it makes sense for my brain. Instead of making pretty notes I make notes in a language? my mind works in and because of that I can get back to the idea very quickly. Hope that helps.

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