elemyy avatar
9 months ago

How do you manage multiple projects in your job?

I’m an architect and have to manage 5 or more projects parallel. This is very hard for me. I’m always hustling 😥

tealturdsandie avatar

I have a list of BIG DATES to reference and that helps in what to work on first, 2nd 3rd…

unmotivatednerd avatar

I just can’t. Still getting my design proposal back on track … i usually work at night and sleep throughout the day tho

marsie avatar

I have a big wipe off board with lots of different colored markers I use to color code my projects. Lots and lots of arrows point point to which tasks overlap several projects, which ones have deadlines vs weekly updates, and all that. The color coding per project gets its own brain dump and then I can see where things overlap. To neurotypicals, it looks like a cross between a murder investigation string map and the Big Board from Dr. Strangelove. I also take my work journal to keep track of what (or, more likely who) interrupts me at what time, if it was helpful or a brain break, and what time it was when I got myself back on track.

catnapsallday avatar

I’m struggling too, but am seeing some progress made with meds + using coloured felt tips and a large blank scrap book. I work backwards from a deadline, and use a different colour for each project. I add reminders on my phone using the reminder app (you can mark it off as completed or snooze it to remind me later tonight, remind me in an hour, tomorrow etc which is handy).

elemyy avatar

Which management tools are you using? I’m using the Bullet Journal. It works well for me for the projects themselves, but the management OF the projects sucks ☹️

hedgy  avatar

Same. I'm in property management, have a few refurbs on at the moment, really struggling to cope....

seriouslyliza avatar

Same, I am a recruiter and have multiple jobs that I’m working on right right now. It is hard for me to prioritize and manage. I used to be able to do it but lately it’s been so difficult.

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