marelle avatar
1 year ago

Motivation needed

So hey guys , can someone give me some tips on how to get my motivation started again? It’s like I’m just living at this point with zero interest in anything

SoCalGran avatar

What’s the smallest action you could take to move toward the thing you want to do? Could it be getting up out of your chair? Could it be picking up a piece of paper?  Consider that the first step in doing your activity. Once you do that you have started! Congratulations! Now do the next thing, and pat yourself on the back. ”Look at me, I’m doing it!” I find starting is the very hardest thing to do. So make it ridiculously easy to start, and you may find that ACTION is your motivation to keep going. Personally, I cannot wait for myself to be in the mood or motivated to do a task. Once I get started, most of the time I can keep going, and actually accomplish something. Positive self talk is essential.  In addition, I have reinforcing statements posted around my house like “you can do it.” “Progress, not perfection.” Here’s hoping you can find the thing that will get you going. As Nike says, “Just Do It!”

CJReiner avatar

I recently learned submerging yourself in cold water or taking a cold shower increases your dopamine by up to 250%. Try taking a cold shower and see if that helps with motivation at all. Full disclosure I’m not sure if I have noticed a big difference in motivation but the cold shower definitely wakes me up 😳

ADHD teen avatar
ADHD teen

I have been struggling with the same thing, here’s what I suggest. Get out and go do an activity that you enjoy with other people. Even if you have no friends, you can join a public activity and make friends with strangers while getting back into your groove. I used to live doing art I would do it all day everyday. But then something happened and for some reason I just was unmotivated to do it, it was like I had to force myself. But then I did a public art project with some strangers and just that one thing got me back into it.

marelle avatar

I’ve tried a lot of times but it’s over my will power

ParabolicHeater avatar

Do you put pressure on yourself to be motivated?

adhdmom3 avatar

Do you like music? I like music and it helps. Motivate me get things done at home. As for leaving the house, I don’t know I just feel like I have so many things to do at home. But I like going to restaurants to eat food. But it’s so expensive and I feel guilty about it … it’s hard I think there’s multiple factors to motivation. Maybe figure out what’s contributing to your lack of it. It might seem small but the effect it has you might be bigger than you realize

marelle avatar

Yesssss all the time 😔

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