noahdreas avatar
1 year ago

No Porn/Mastrubation

This is a bit personal but id like to share it. Since 36 Days im not Mastrubating or watching porn. Ive never suffered from addiction or excessive mastrubation but ive wanted to try this. Because mastrubation and porn gives so much dopamine and i wanna see what happens if I take that away. Since I stopped i felt more confident and more productive. Ofc I am a lot more horny but thats that only „downside“ I get. Also my view of how I see Women changed a bit. I started appericiating more their company and their charasteristics than just going for the looks. Anyone else who can share an experience like that?

collinpope avatar

I need to try this

tadja avatar

Good for you for trying something new for yourself. When I was younger I learned to watch porn to masturbate (I thought that’s just what everyone did!). But it made me feel empty after the high and would make me want to go back for more to “refill”. And, with ADHD, we tend to get hooked on things, and I didn’t like feeling hooked on it. I stopped altogether for awhile, but then I experimented with masturbation without porn or any other external stimulation. It was just me and my body. And when I learned to masturbate that way, I would stay full of that good feeling instead of feeling empty after porn. It also helped me to develop a closer relationship with my body and my sex life improved significantly because of it! I wasn’t just picturing porn scenes while I was in bed with someone, I was much more present, and the benefits of that were enormous! Best of luck to you on your journey!

Sqirr3lBr@in avatar

I read a study that since the advent of 24/7 access to internet porn, younger generations’ ability to connect with IRL partners and be able to climax has been damaged.

ParabolicHeater avatar

Good for you. P messes with a person’s psychology. It doesn’t make it easy when so much is sexualized in The media.

noahdreas avatar

Exactly.. triggers are everywhere everything is so pversexualised

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