LionQueen avatar

Stop scooping!!!! And start pouring! I have two tall buckets I use as litter boxes and when it’s time I just put this over one and pour the other over it, empty into bag and repeat with the other bucket then finally separate and add new litter to each

LionQueen avatar

Stop scooping!!!! And start pouring! I have two tall buckets I use as litter boxes and when it’s time I just put this over one and pour the other over it, empty into bag and repeat with the other bucket then finally separate and add new litter to each

shaws402 avatar

I woke up with a miserable cold and spent all day in bed. Now I feel like I was useless all day

hoesbehatin avatar

But you took care of yourself which we need to do more of anyways❤️

tealacorn avatar

Feeling frustrated because I can’t seem to have a conversation with my spouse. I feel unheard, invalidated and judged when I get told I’m not paying attention therefore I don’t care, remembering things out of context, not making eye contact, making too much eye contact, and being overly sensitive. I feel so defeated and mentally exhausted. The stress triggers my migraines.

tealacorn avatar

Thank you for your kind words. It helps me to remember that I’m not wrong for wanting support. I don’t feel so alone in my journey of self growth knowing that someone understands. 😌

hoesbehatin avatar

I'm not here to tell you what to do, however you need to feel validated and supported❤️ not let down and feeling unsupported🥺 you are entitled to being happy. Never forget that.

ummmadhd avatar

Deleting everything off my work phone and laptop, and filling out all the paperwork for my student loan 😫

hoesbehatin avatar

One step at a time!

yogagirl2828 avatar

I started deep cleaning my apartment and now I’m in that phase of starting too many things at once. It looks like a tornado hit my apartment but I’m starting with one task at a time. I might be moving so that’s motivating me to remove things entirely that I don’t use or need. 😳😅

hoesbehatin avatar

That's the best way to purge! Look up "junebugging" it should help immensely!

zoomingraccoon  avatar

I'll be starting soon in a research program in a new university, I'm a postgrad student, but I'm scared I won't be good enough or that I won't meet the professor's expectations of me

Jen718 avatar

You MADE IT TO POST GRAD your good enough!!!! It's hard but keep grinding wht are you researching make your reply simple "I'm simple" 😊

zoomingraccoon  avatar

Thank you so much! You are right, and I'm doing my best!

hoesbehatin avatar

Just be good enough for ypu! That's all we can do is try and try and try and don't forget to ask for support when needed!

victoreafelwame avatar

I have to turn in My VA information and last time it took four hours of clearing out emails because the medical files are so large wish me luck

hoesbehatin avatar

Good luck!!!! You got this!

catmartin72 avatar

After 4 days off, I have to go back to a job that once brought me so much joy and fulfillment. But last January I experienced ADHD burnout, which was/has been perpetuated and drug out for far too long due to a very toxic work environment (I work in mental health with professionals/clinicians that should understand). Bottom line, pretty much every negative ADHD symptom plays out on a daily for me. Emotional deregulation, RSD, anxiety. I am pretty much a hot mess and it just makes the situation with my coworkers worse.

catmartin72 avatar

Thank you for your validation and empathy. I just feel so weird and out of control sometimes.

hoesbehatin avatar

Girl I get that hard. Give yourself a safe zone where you know your reaching your limits and refocus yourself! Tell people around ypu how you feel. We are all human!!!

desideez avatar

I need to do my clear load out morning routine I’m avoiding. Sometimes when it’s hard to get out of bed, I order Uber eats because it forces me to answer the door lol. But I am broke now lol.

desideez avatar

Clearly outlined* morning routine lol

hoesbehatin avatar

I totally feel that. I always think of something super fun to do that will at LEAST get me up and moving😂 seems like that's the hardest part for everyone. Getting up!😂

bladee avatar

cleaning my cats’ litterbox. idk why my brain makes it such a daunting task

LionQueen avatar

Stop scooping!!!! And start pouring! I have two tall buckets I use as litter boxes and when it’s time I just put this old cat litter filter over one bucket and pour the other bucket over it, empty strainer into bag and repeat with the other bucket then finally separate and add new litter to each!

mnd0906 avatar

Same here 😞 I struggle so much with this chore, idk why.

hoesbehatin avatar

I love this solution!!! I also belive this to be a daunting task. I set my Alexa to remind me out loud every weekday at 5:30 (after my husband leaves for work) and on the weekends I set it for mid day when I know I'll be at my peak of productivity!

Camilita avatar

My morning routine with my daughter. We both have adhd and it seems impossible… my daughter is of course ok with arriving 5 minutes late to the before-school-kindergarten, but I missed my train to work with one minute 😩 I tell her to go brush her teeth. Nothing else. She is talking talking talking, I repeat, you need to go brush your teeth, she goes away, comes back says “I’m ready, can I chose jacket?” I say, “yes, but pack your water bottle and tupper first”…. In the end she had never brushed her teeth and she have no idea of what she did instead (I think she was admiring her jackets though….) she always remember last minute that she has not done something I told her to do. I can not supervise 100%, since I am single parenting and there is not enough time for that. I have adhd too and I need to get enough hours sleep to function. Is there any trick or any kind of adhd tool that works well for kids who easily forget?

hoesbehatin avatar

Short 10 minute timers always help as well to stay on task!

hoesbehatin avatar

Growing up, my mom had undiagnosed adhd and so did I. Any mirror or window, we would take an expo marker and write on it what I needed for the morning and afternoon. Example: Bathroom mirror- - brush teeth - wash face - take meds -etc In the kitchen: - pack lunch - put homework in backpack - grab library books -etc Another thing that always helped me was my mom would wake me up and have me us a pencil and paper and she would have me write down my list of things to get done to complete my morning.

adhdreamy avatar

i need to finish studying a class topic 🤧

2tall2ovrlook avatar

Currently facing this issue got a project due tonight I haven’t even started. I have taken all the notes I know the assignment directive I understand what to do how to do it. Now I just have to do it. Might try to get up and pace around a little bit when I do that I end up in the kitchen making a snack🤦‍♂️

hoesbehatin avatar

You got this! The first thing I get myself to do with a hard task, which this will sound silly, is GET UP😋 That boosts all my motivation to get the task done!

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