Brainless avatar
1 year ago

Getting up

My biggest struggle is getting up in the morning. It ruines my whole day and all my plans. What can I do to change?

emiwemy avatar

I posted something like this recently and people commented to look into narcolepsy, look into having a super strict regular sleep schedule, and I’ve heard melatonin works well specifically for adhd as well

saintshoggoth avatar

I also struggle with this and so far the only thing that’s proven to work for me is to have an immediate priority in the morning. So for me what wakes me up most mornings is the sound of the day staff at one job arriving, or I use Alarmy when I have to get up for my day jobs, it’s super loud and it makes you do math or shake it or do squats (there’s a lot of options) in order to turn the alarm off. It works ok for me, though if I do a simple task I usually go back to sleep. 🤷 Also practicing good sleep hygiene can help a ton. YouTube it!

Brainless avatar

Okay that’s sounds very affective, definitely trying it out! Thanks!

Mcqueen95 avatar

Personally, i put my phone at the other end of my room so i have no choice but actually get up to stop my alarm from ringing and then i start my day with sitting (not in my bed) with my eyes closed and just plan my day in my head before opening my eyes and drinking water and then i start my morning routine

Brainless avatar

yeah that’s a great hack but I always go back to bed haha! But the sitting down away from the bed could work. Thanks you for your advice!


Same. I have a very hard time getting out of bed. Then when I do I'm amazed at how good I am with it and how ready I am to do physical tasks.

adhdmouse52 avatar

I find that practicing gratitude really helps. As soon as you wake up you can list three things that you are grateful for in your life. That can be your car or just having functional legs to walk.

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