sparklysquirrel avatar

Yes. It’s hard to quit!

adhdartist2023 avatar

I was feeling similarly. It was very Pavlovian- 5 o’clock and I would want a glass of wine or two. My ND prescribed me a micro dose ketamine nasal spray as it has helped her patients with both adhd and ptsd, of which I have both. After a week or so, I could skip nights with just Sprite Zero, or if I didn’t love the taste of a particular wine or beer, I could give it to my husband or dump it down the drain. Nothing else has worked quite this way before. It seems to quiet my mind almost immediately, which was why I would drink alcohol. That and to feel “normal”, maybe. This spray plus the changes she’s recommended in my diet and supplements have made a huge difference. 🥰

chunky monkey avatar
chunky monkey

I'm willing to try anything when I get the right support. Self medicating obviously doesn't work in the long term. It's hard to think long term tho.

emeraldsmoke19 avatar

Yes, I always intend to cut back but never follow through.

adhdpatient avatar

I was drinking so much recently. It was hard to stop but my health got affected so gave me a reason to stop. I have been 3 months sober now and I feel so much different. For the good mostly

Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT

Gosh I really feel all of these comments. I know I have an addictive personality, but I’ve realized that I’m not actually addicted to the vices I’ve been using. I can drop some so quickly. But I’m currently struggling bc I need SOMETHING to relax me.

chunky monkey avatar
chunky monkey

3 months sober scares me 😅

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