elADHDer avatar
8 months ago

Adult or childhood ADHD?

Anyone here diagnosed at a very young age? I was in second grade.

Adult or childhood ADHD?
FCA_Dad avatar

I was diagnosed in 4th grade. Never had any luck with meds. Everything the docs put me on had some kind of weird side effect. So I self medicated with caffeine and still do to some extent.

jellybeanqueen avatar

I was diagnosed as an adult but really should have been diagnosed way sooner. Just didn’t have the support I needed growing up. I promised myself that my son was not going to live the life I did and struggle with no answers and feelings of being weird and a failure all the time. He was diagnosed in second grade. An absolutely brilliant kid. I’m doing my best to get him the tools and supports he needs, and it’s definitely starting to make a difference.

elADHDer avatar

Oof, I totally feel that, but I was on a super high dose of Vyvanse at the age of 16. I voluntarily stopped. I really needed it the whole time, 11 years later.

missmadison avatar

Yep, sometime during elementary school. But when I was about to enter middle school, my parents took me off medication. I didn’t get back around to seeing a professional for adhd until 30 yrs later 🤦‍♀️ I’m on the same meds now that I was on as a child. Really needed it the whole time…

missmadison avatar

We learn I guess 🤷‍♀️ I’d like to think the added difficulty in between makes us stronger but that may just be wishful thinking. I feel like I would have had far fewer breakdowns related to school if my brain had functioned better

elADHDer avatar

Oof, I totally feel that, but I was on a super high dose of Vyvanse at the age of 16. I voluntarily stopped. I really needed it the whole time, 11 years later.

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