fionna avatar
1 year ago


How did everyone do in college? What were your favorite study tricks and tips? I have such a hard time focusing and retaining the information šŸ˜«


I am having success finally after dropping out of college by attending a ā€œat my own paceā€ college online called WGU. I really like the set up of it. You get an advisor who calls you every week to remind you of stuff and see how youā€™re doing and you set a goal with them to try to accomplish for the next week. Very helpful!! I love it.

camelshavetoes avatar

I never finished, and Iā€™ve gone back several times for different things.

peake91 avatar

Online college worked for me. I benefited from a very quiet area away from all distractions and choosing a trade that interested me, and I enjoyed learning about.

CGCrimsonLily avatar

College was when I found out about my adhdā€¦ and not til super late in my studies. Mostly I managed by living away from distractions (with my parents and commuting after being overly stimulated in the dorms my freshman year)ā€¦ also, I would do my best work under pressure of deadlines, but even then I was barely hanging on. I survived. I didnā€™t manage it well šŸ«¤

_sparkles_ avatar

Also! Music! Find some music without lyrics and reserve it for study time. I like the ā€œDeep Focusā€ playlist on Spotify. Anki (or any similar kind of spaced repetition system) has data backing itā€™s effectiveness and itā€™s got a sort of ā€œgamificationā€ feel. I also would have invested in more audiobooks if I could go back and do it again. Obviously most textbooks wonā€™t have an audiobook version but there are apps to convert texts to speech if you can stand the computer voice.

msp3000 avatar

By neuroscience, it is the worst possible idea. Whatever you listen to, and it is more complex than white or brown noise, will occupy your brain.

_sparkles_ avatar

I really struggled, pulled a lot of all-nighters. Since graduating I discovered ā€œstudyblrā€ on social media, which Iā€™ve found really helpful in professional learning post-college. It seems counter intuitive because it is, in a way, more work, but for me it infused enough dopamine into the process that I could overcome the procrastination barrier with more ease.

mojojojo avatar

Iā€™m in my 4th year now and Iā€™ve come to the realisation that everyone is different, the way I study may seem incomprehensible to others, but Iā€™ve made it this far anyway so I must be doing something right. My advice is to find a way to study that works for you, I personally love getting creative and making my work colourful, helps me remember things better!

Kalechip avatar

It took me a long time to get my degree, I struggled with motivation and emotional dysregulation/dissociation. I played music when I would study so I could distract my brain, I wish I took more breaks between assignments instead of trying to do them all at once

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