tayla avatar
1 year ago

Can’t. Get. Up.

Yes, it’s true. I’ve officially lied down in the bed, kicked my shoes off, and have been on my phone. Is this the end? Will this darn silly goose be able to get up, be productive, and save the day? The answer is….YES! Iced chai latte to the rescue! Once this enjoyable, powerful substance has been consumed, there’s nothing this wonder child can’t do! I’m off! Sorry for the awkward lingo - teehee

Tinks  avatar

It's been an hour and I'm wayyy to curious as to whether or not you did you drink that chai latte AND got off the bed! I would have stayed put for hours thirsty off the hit a dopamine from making the post 🤣

tayla avatar

🤣🤣🤣 I DID! And boy am I happy I did lol. Usually, carrying a fun drink around while I’m doing “responsible” things keeps me going until I do finish the drink. Plus, knowing that I can relax for the rest of the day after I put in some effort for just a little bit helps give me a little motivation boost as well

ViciousMilk avatar

That sounds like an absolute dream rn, I need that.

tayla avatar

A lot of times, I need a fun drink to get me going - iced coffee/chai etc. I’ll carry that drink around with me and see how much I can get done before I finish the drink. I also like to open my the blinds around my house. Makes me feel like everything is more visible and therefore, has even more need to be tidied up. Some days though, we just need to rest and that’s okay. You can try again tomorrow!

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