uncletys avatar
1 year ago

Medication advice, what works for you?

I’ve been on Zoloft (lost mojo, didn’t help ADHD but did stabilise my mood), Valium worked wonders however is only a band-aid (back to square one as soon as you stop taking it). Was going to try Ritalin next but unsure if it would make anxiety flare-up.. what has worked/hasn’t worked for you, what’s been your path?

camelshavetoes avatar

I take Wellbutrin & Lexipro for my mental health, Vyvanse for ADHD & binge eating disorder, and adderall in the afternoon for a pick me up. We’re still tweaking the ADHD meds because they don’t seem effective.

Frolic avatar

I use Medikinet which is to my knowledge similar to Ritalin and at first for about a month I had worse anxiety (to a big degree) and would get angry very easily. It helped a lot that I was aware of it being a side effect.

ADOoooPretty avatar

You might want to look up symptoms for too high of dose, and symptoms for too low of dose. I just did this as I thought I needed a med adjustment, but it turned out that I was having an ADHD Burnout. From what I remember those symptoms you described are both symptoms of too high of dose. You should definitely do your own research, and talk to your Dr.

picklejuice avatar

I’m on other mental health meds as well…but for ADHD, I was on Ritalin but hated dealing with the crashes. Now I’m on Concerta (extended release Ritalin) and it’s much better.

Midwest Lady avatar
Midwest Lady

I hope someone can help you. 🤛🏽

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