roxxie cotton avatar
roxxie cotton
1 year ago

Distracted so easily!!!

Okay I can’t take it anymore. Everything I do takes 10 years and I usually don’t get my original task completed due to the several sidetracks on my way to the finish line. Laundry for example. Gets it in the wash and dryer. Folded even. Then I go to put it away and get distracted by the unmade bed. So I have to vacuum. On my way to get the vacuum I need a snack. And so on and so forth. Then bed time comes and the pile of clothes is still on the bed 😩😩😩 what do y’all do to stay on task?

tonyl avatar

Make it a game to achieve might help worked with my socks throw them all on the bed then match them up

blablamouse avatar

I have slept many times on a bed with the half of it covered on clean laundry. I’m in need of help too.


I like the suggestion to have a piece of paper and pencil near by and write down the extra jobs you encounter that needs doing, sticking to folding laundry until it’s done and then choosing one of those to do next. Can’t say I always do it - but I like the idea.

kingyoatama avatar

I try to embrace the rotation of tasks and have accepted that silly things like folded laundry are not worth to get your nerves wracked over. I think it helps if "mari kondo style" all of your things and clothes have a dedicated home. I get distracted and frustrated everytime I am not sure where to go with the laundry/task. About house hold chores: find a friend(or coach) who is good at organizing and goes shopping with you and then helps organize your clothes. Like there are thes fabric sachet where you can easily put your folded clothes and things stay more organized.... Still have to buy them though. Rn I have a corner of doom for my fresh but now dusty clothes in my room 🙈😂

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