drinkies avatar
9 months ago

I can’t deal with doing that right now…..

Something as simple as taking 2 mugs downstairs after our early morning cuppa or picking up a dog toy in the middle of the floor is simply too much for me sometimes - I’ll look at it and think to myself “not now, I can’t deal with you at the moment” and walk away. Now, it’s not a hard task or too time consuming, it’s just that I can’t physically or mentally deal with it at that precise moment. I’ve tried to explain it to others but they look at me strange - does anyone else experience this?

theadhdmom avatar


oskaradhd2024 avatar

Me too , 🥺 just trying to get drinking water out of tap-water is such a chore for me. If I even remember to drink in the first place!!

rubiousadhd avatar

Yes, definitely, always and on a daily basis. I sometimes “can’t deal with drinking water right now” because I think about all the stages of the water reaching my stomach as a task. Like get up, get to the stairs, go up the stairs, get to the kitchen, take a glass and fill it with water, take the glass up to your lips bla bla bla. Makes me feel like the laziest person on earth sometimes.

_sophie_qx avatar

Omg yes ! Like know that I kinda need to do this , but I just can’t physically do it ! It’s so painful every time 😭 And then I get called lazy :(

freezeAnto avatar

Almost daily. Sometimes I can’t deal with small things like these for 2-3 days in a row, other times these are just moments in a day. When I force myself to do it, I take care of other things left unattended, in the process, is how I pull myself from these emotional states. Hugs

leavebehind avatar


adhdpotter avatar

Sameee and everyone complains about my scatter but idc as long as im comfortable and it’s not disgusting But my worst one is that i throw my tissues in the trash can instead of stepping on the thingi to open it

Luwae avatar

Almost every day. Had to deal with it 10 minutes ago

morkork avatar

Always. It’s like that all day long except for in the morning.

jrlauadhd84 avatar

Happens to me all the time. Especially with dishes. I can fill the sink with warm soapy washing up water, clear the table… proceed to put the dishes in the sink - and STILL not have the capacity to stand there and wash them up there & then. From my experience, understanding and reading - this would be directly related to ‘Executive Function’ which is commonly more associated with ASD, but it does have overlaps in the ADHD space also.

chichidorito avatar

Yes, I have 3 kids and they always leave little things laying around. I get so frustrated because I could pick up after them, but (a) it sidetracks whatever thing I’m focused on at the moment and (b) they are old enough to do it themselves. So I end up masking item (a) by yelling about item (b) constantly. Realizing I do this has been the first step in managing it. I love the idea of a basket in each room and could even make that a fun task for my toddler.

HhoneyB avatar

Yes absolutely I found having a small container for gathering like things helps and bucket with handles for different rooms and I wish I knew how to get my dog to pick up his toys if this doesn’t work because I hate bending over I sweap into pile and get someone to help me pick up pile if this doesn’t work out I’m just going to go around with trash can and if it hits the floor I’m throwing it away hopefully this helps

CometOfTheNights avatar

You're definitely not alone. I experience the same thing and see you. I was thinking it is not a solveable issue but for almost two weeks, the ADHD meds finally work for me and help with this issue too 🥹

PolarQueen avatar

This is literally my existence every day and I feel so awful about myself for genuinely not being able to manage these tiny things. It’s like my brain computes what needs to be done and turns it into the most mammoth task (mentally, like just having to organise my thoughts and pay attention enough for those few seconds) it then feels way too much and I just can’t deal. Not advice, just solidarity.

btiful avatar

I tried to explain it by saying it’s like crossing a glass bottom bridge while being scared of heights.. you’ve watched others easily walk across it , you know you won’t get hurt, you know it’s safe and will only take a few minutes to walk to the other side and be done with it, but even knowing all that you just can’t get yourself to take that first step.. unless there’s cake sometimes cake helps but not always lol

inlikeflynn avatar

Yes, you’re not alone. Especially with dog toys which I know will end up being moved just as soon as I put it away. Seems futile, but it’s not always rational like that. Just can’t get the motivation in the moment!

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