Camilita avatar
5 months ago

Developers, Please read this.

I saw the post about new implementations on teams and a promise for reward if participating in a huge brainstorming regarding new features… I kindly beg for a 🛑 “stop and think first” from the developers. I know the passion might be in bringing on new ideas, being creative and create new cool, great amazing features. But - this is supposed to be an app helping create stability and routine for adhders. Solely focusing on New new new new won’t provide that. I don’t want more development on new features at this moment… I want improvement on old but still very much bugging features… For example, after finishing a course it’s often not registered as completed, there’s been for me a minus -15% and it doesn’t get fixed even by doing the story or even whole course again. I have had to switch topic and get over the fact that I don’t get rewarded for finishing the course. Another thing, dates/days in the app have been wrong and after reaching 99 days streak it was stuck on 99 although I kept on streaking more days. It’s like hey wow, I won!! but then your score is not even on the result board. Anticlimax. That’s one of my worst enemies when it comes to staying motivated. Not getting my progress acknowledged or rewarded as promised. Worst of all… I loved the playfulness of reaching new levels and getting rewarded with small but cute options for my own user. But the more I advanced my score started going on a minus (just as the finished courses)… I reached 129 days streak, finished stories, was active, but never even got above level 30, still on a huge minus and haven’t been rewarded in ages. Several months without even a new color option… New for me doesn’t have to be a completely new app, just give me a new color option and my brain will think “oh, this is new, fresh and cool”. For me, the buggs and undelivered promises is way too disruptive to the purpose of the app. It’s supposed to gamify your routine/progress etc and you get rewarded so you feel motivated to continue. If all the development focus goes to teams and the social media aspects, there’s a risk that the app will become a risk of doom-scrolling, chatting etc but not motivating the users to advance in their personal growth to manage their adhd. The mission should be rescue the foundation of the app and fix the buggs so that new cool implementations later on will be standing on a solid ground and not wiggling on crutches. I love a lot of the work you have done and in general the app is amazing. I love the idea of what this app can be truly and can do for people. My hopes are so high, but stability needs to number 1 priority. Thank you for taking your time to read this 💛

savannahcaraway avatar

Underscoring this post!

jademountain avatar

Yep I’m also stuck at 99 days!

KatyMc avatar

This is so well written! I’m on level 30 as well and am definitely less into the app as I used to be ☹️ still on a 100 and something day streak though! Would be good if they fixed everything you mentioned 🥰🥰

KatyMc avatar

Love your dedication and interaction 😄

dmtrh avatar

We sure will!

ClutterCat avatar

Thank you Camilita for this post! Since I'm new to this and also to (possible) ADHD or neurospicyness I already notice that in the past week Numo's made a difference for me. It is amazing to see how my morning Routine (<-- pun intended to other topic) costs less headspace, just because I know that there's a list I can fall back to and an app and/or team members who will say: good job. That's the foundation and why Numo works like it does. Not saying that there is no room for new things, but as Camilita says there's enough to improve, such as the Widget (now it only shows the tasks, can't cross anything off or adjust the widget itself (color, size etc)). The ever-ongoing reward systemen because I also have the inention to break lvl 30 :D The size of things in the app, as sometimes everything feels biiiig. Etc etc. All things above are not complaints or meant as negative ♡ But this app already has so much potential without new extra's - although I am also curious what y'all can come up with. ♡

dmtrh avatar

Thanks <3

Vital from Numo avatar
Vital from Numo

Thanks Camilita!

dmtrh avatar

And I’ve already designed a bunch of new icons, colors, covers. Might take a while to code it, but be sure that they’re all coming!

Octagun30 avatar

That’s wonderful 🥳

KatyMc avatar

Yay!! Can’t wait! 😄😄😄

Camilita avatar

Amazing. I’m looking forward to see some new colors 💚

dmtrh avatar

I'll make sure all the bugs you mentioned in this post get fixed! It's not how we want to do things. As I mentioned in a comment, we have a limited dev team, but that's no excuse. I truly appreciate you taking the time to let us know about these issues. You're helping us make Numo better!

Octagun30 avatar

That’s some dedication over there, love it! 🙏😉

Camilita avatar

💚 Thanks for being such a open minded and thoughtful development team! 🏆🙌 Sending you all some good energy to continue doing a great work 💪✨⭐️

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