toxicgoddess avatar
2 years ago

ADHD and Managing Work

I’m a Senior Operations Manager and I have a lot on my plate. Constantly running and sending reports along with managing a team of 45. What are some things you do to organize your time and make sure you’re staying on track? Because I miss deadlines all the time, not from lack of having the work done - just forgetting to actually send it off.

Unknown avatar

I have had similar issues in the past at work, as I complete complex billing tasks weekly/biweekly/monthly. I created a cluster of checklists and notes (by client) in OneNote of all the specific steps I need to complete. Then I set “appointments” in my Outlook calendar as a reminder and to block out time to focus on submissions/follow ups. You can even flag things in OneNote to add them as tasks in Outlook, but the flags overwhelm me. This combo has led to fewer slip-ups and my bosses are really happy with me. I just need to be happier myself, as I tend to hyper-focus on the mistakes I still make (like forgetting to add something to my checklist).

danileigh820 avatar

Oof following for ideas too - National HIM Operations Manager for a healthcare company. So hard to convince myself to stay on track with work post-diagnosis 😑

CometOfTheNights avatar

And for the bigger tasks (like the deadline is a day rather than an hour) I note my phone calendar one and two days before the deadline like this: "Two days later end of the ... submission" "Tomorrow is the last day of ...". So, the notification comes at 9.00 o'clock the days morning, make me remind if I forget and I still have enough time to achieve what has been wanted😊

CometOfTheNights avatar

For things with deadline, I generally set my alarm to half or an hour before the submission time.

She-Ra avatar

OMG a team of 45!!!! I would lose my shit! Sending hugs ♥️

rockhound52577  avatar

Sorry so managing time is not my strong suit but my friend advised me if color coded sticky notes . It is a fit for me because even though I procrastinate I am ocd about organizing my organization and I think it may be a win.

rockhound52577  avatar

My problem is the procrastination. I'm a stay at home mom and we homeschool. Lots to do but when it comes to basic things I wait until last minute. Sometimes I don't even get the basics done esp housework.

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