Illdobetter avatar
8 months ago


Does anyone have any tips for impulsiveness? Especially when it comes to online shopping I tend to buy without thinking and it always ends up putting me in the negatives. I want to better myself and this is one of my biggest hurdles! Thanks in advance! 💜

ursulamajor avatar

I really struggle with this too. It helps me to delete any apps where I could shop off of my phone and also use a website blocker on my computer during working (high stress) hours which is when I’ve noticed I’m the most tempted. You’re definitely not alone in this struggle, and I hope you celebrate any step in the right direction (like making this post!)

Thunderbrain avatar

I love the app minimalist phone. You have a minfullness break before you enter the internet, any app. That helps me a lot to control impulsive decisions- I decide much less to look at things to buy, videos for distraction...

Wishla avatar

I have been putting things in cart and then throw whole page away on my phone before payment. Especially been lucky my shipping to my country is sky high and makes me not actually buy it. I Almost bought a device that makes me listen to plant sounds lol.

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