nomeds&Adhd avatar
4 months ago


I hate people who automatically assume ADHD is not that serious because it’s so “common” or even worse, they say it is not real and just an excuse for lazy behavior. My own family has told me so many times that I don’t have ADHD, that I just want to “identify with something” and that “I’m just making excuses”. Anybody from my hospitalizations could see it, my doctors there, the therapists, and the techs but my actual psychiatrist and my parents? My psychiatrist thinks I just want drugs (I used to abuse substances) and my parents think there is nothing wrong with me. It’s very frustrating when your brain isn’t functioning like normal and people just dismiss it or act as if it’s nothing! Has anything happened like this happened to yall?

AnnHelen avatar

No one thought I had adhd until I got diagnosed. Now everybody “has seen it for ages”. What about telling me, poopies??

fiji water avatar
fiji water

Yeah I have the hardest time trying to get people to care that ADHD is real hard to deal with

jonajoni avatar

At this point I don’t bother saying or trying to figure out if I have adhd or something else… All I know is that I get really distracted, can’t focus very well… and often times I’m all over the place, stuck inside my head. That’s what I have, I don’t need to call it anything to be able to work with it nor to understand myself

lilybug avatar

I look at my ADHD as a superpower that I am still learning to control!! And it’s one I share with my daughter!!

rainbowtoady avatar

There isn’t a box for this but my personal experience is to keep telling people on a need to know basis - so my family and a lot of my friends don’t know I have ADHD

martin777 avatar

I also don’t tell anyone, because of the negative feedback I got when I found out for myself I might have ADHD. And to nomeds&ADHD: I’m sorry for what happened to you. People that throw you under the bus like that are just trying to make up for their own insecurities and problems, but that’s very little help in a situation like this. Just know that you are an amazing person and you will get stronger through this, even if it is terrible when it happens. I’m still learning to ride my ADHD dragon brain, but this is a gift once we can make it work for us instead of against us. I hope you find better help regarding the medication that is right for you. But even until then use all the help you can find to make your brain your friend. Stay awesome, you got this!!! 🍀🍀🍀

alynae avatar

I tell everyone, part of it’s because of the adhd, (oversharing) and the other part is to make people more aware of mental health and adhd. Yes I will argue with anyone and there have been lots of people, mostly family tell me that I don’t have it because I can watch a full 30 minute tv show 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ or xyz

nomeds&Adhd avatar

Mm I tried to do that because I’m a honors/AP kid and alot of the kids already didn’t like me because of my skin complexion and they thought I was slow… I had people say I had fetal alcohol syndrome, autism, etc. So to defend myself I told one of them that I have ADHD and had developmental delay as a child in hopes that would be understanding and leave me alone. Fast forward they told everyone I was the R word and that I probably cheated to get into high classes and I was messed with more even by two of my teachers 👍🏽. My family is a different story. I didn’t want to tell ANYONE in the family because my family is weird about mental health. They don’t believe it’s real and just an excuse. But my narcissistic mother, of course, had to tell everyone in the family about “her daughter fishing for a diagnosis and excuse for her laziness” lmao.

ADD&Reb avatar

My bosses think I just want everything done my way becauze they think I feel entitled. In reality, I’m just asking for accommodations so I’m more consistently productive and not behind on things. They just think I’m making excuses to be lazy. It’s so annoying!

katbs avatar

I got lucky. My boss's partner and at least of of her kids have ADHD. So she really understands what is about. She helped me get an accommodation to work from home even!

Sonicthinker avatar

That's one point why I'm scared of getting a job again. Nobody understands you somehow even if you tell them they think you lie bc you just want to be "lazy"

CometOfTheNights avatar

Everyday I am giving fight of this in my school... I am lucky that my family somehow understands and my psychiatrist knows. But environment... Horrible 🙄

CometOfTheNights avatar

Thank you for your answer Sonicthinker. Telling a penguen to how to climb a tree is" exactly what it is, I loved the metaphor 😅😊 As penguins, we have to make a crane with very limited material within same time interval with monkeys to see the top, don't we 🥲

Sonicthinker avatar

School systems are made for neurotypical people that's why neurodiverses have such a hard time keeping up. But rather do your own way instead of trying to keep up bc otherwise u could end up with a burnout like I did. And it isn't even worth the piece of paper at the end. You might end up liking a job totally different which u don't need a high degree for. So my tip is to stay you and do what you can if you fail well yeah then fail. It's only a success story for neurotypicals in most cases so trying to explain a penguin how to climb a tree wouldn't even work. You do you and you will get a job. If people bully you bc of them having a more easy time in school tell them" well yeah but can you?..." fill in something you very good or creative at". And end the conversation there. Hope it helps a little 💜

nomeds&Adhd avatar

Yeah it’s either, “it’s not that hard to focus” or “I have it too and I do just fine” 🙄

toblerone avatar

I had my GP tell me he just thought I was just anxious and depressed… and I was, but because of my unmanaged, untreated ADHD and being overwhelmed. I was one of the lucky females to be diagnosed with ADD when I was young (before it all came under the umbrella of ADHD), but because it had been over 10 years since I had been on medication or done anything with it I had to be re-diagnosed. I think he was just trying to save me the long wait times and cost of seeing a psychiatrist but I ended up going back in to him and saying “HEY, I want a referral to a psychiatrist” and I got it. I’m sorry your family is not being understanding, if they’re not willingly to listen that’s on them. Find a psychiatrist that a good fit for you, find what works for you, do you, feel better and thrive. ❤️

nomeds&Adhd avatar

Yeah I have bipolar, borderline personality, and anxiety. They just blame it on that or my past addictions. I’ve struggled with this for a while now and it took 2/3 year just to get a diagnosis! And they tried to say I had an addiction problem because I started taking Xanax and adderall/ritalin to help with my anxiety and adhd that they refused to treat! I admit I had a problem with the Xanax but I never went over the dosage with the stimulants and they were so helpful for me, especially the Ritalin. I was not only able to focus, I was calm but energetic, happy, motivated and I felt like my inner child. Honestly I feel like it could replace these mood stabilizers that they try to put me on all the time, I don’t feel as hopeless, angry, and I feel proud of myself bc I can actually get stuff done! What’s weird is that if I drink a bang or monster, it’s a similar experience as well lol (until the dreaded crash 😭)

goodgrooves avatar

First psychiatrist I saw didn't think I could have adhd because I did good in school as a kid. I changed the doctor to a one that specializes in adhd and got my diagnosis. Maybe you can change your psychiatrist? With parents you can try to make them to see your perspective but if they aren't open in seeing it, it can be hard on you so I would rather accept that they are not ready or able to understand that, at least yet.

nomeds&Adhd avatar

That’s another reason they gave me too! They said but I’m in honors and AP and I’m doing well but that’s such a small part of it! It’s easy to get decent grades just by participating in most classes tbh. I’m thinking about it. I see her on the 18th if I don’t go on a stimulant and she tries to give me another mood stablizer/anti psychotic (I have bad side effects from all of them) it’s over lol.

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