lazy sam avatar
lazy sam
1 year ago

Hiring secretary

I am working from home, but I don’t work even a second when I am at home. So I decided to hire a virtual assistant($4 per hour) and he monitors my screen to check whether I am working or not. Also he checks my calendar and todo list then warns me if I have not finish my task. I feel like back to teenage period and little shamed about the fact that I am this lazy person but til now it works… can not tell about this to anyone but here.

KoKo80HD avatar

This isn’t laziness or any other negative connotation! It’s ACCOUNTABILITY, and quite honestly GENIUS!!! Props to YOU!

jstdntevnwrry avatar

Hey, loads of people who work from home have secretaries

CometOfTheNights avatar

I think U shouldn t think this as "laziness". Because this word includes "blaming yourself" somehow. And if you were lazy, you were trying to find a way to Not To Do the job, you wouldn't make a big step and find a secretary to be sure that you re doing the job🫠

rahma avatar

I just wrote a long comment then the app freezed 😂 I think it is a sign to keep it short. I have the same problem so don't be embarrassed by it, just do what ever works for you.

littleclown avatar

Sometimes you need outside pressure.I’m glad it’s working for you!

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