Georgia Glass avatar
Georgia Glass
1 year ago


Does anyone use THC? Legally? I’m curious what others think of it? Good, bad, or indifferent, tell me your thoughts.

vampiric avatar

everyones different but weed just made me ignore my mental health and trauma. way too strong of a coping method for me and i got soooo dependent on it. panic attacks if i didnt have it etc. made my anxiety worse overall

ADHDRaven avatar

I use hemp THC products and they are the only thing that helps me sleep. It also quiets my mind. Indica helps at night and hybrid or sativa helps during the day. It's not for everyone and some strains effect different people well.. differently. Some my worsen your symptoms, cause anxiety, or even paranoia. It's important to do your own research on THC strains and if you do try it don't overdo it your first few times. Just try it and see and notice how it affects you.

BlazN  avatar

Love thc. Nobody gets hurt when everybody's high.

agreeablecynic avatar

hey! californian here! i’ve played around over the years and for me personally (AuDHD, anxiety), cannabis use will pretty consistently lower the volume on my inner monologue. I find sativa or hybrid strains are best for when i want to stay awake for more than an hour tho lol i treat it like a social activity that i have to do with someone else or not at all, and that’s kept my usage at a healthy level.

mel___ avatar

May I ask how much you use? Sorry if that’s too personal. I’ve tried the sativa and hybrid technique along with indica at bedtime. I found the sativa and hybrids are like smoking air. I don’t feel any effects and find I go through it so much quicker and it feels like for nothing! I’m a chronic smoker though and have been for 14 years with no breaks

mel___ avatar

I use it. I find it helps me significantly to coping with stabilizing my mood and emotions so I can calmly clear my thoughts and reflect on situations. I haven’t yet taken a break to test weather it’s affected anything further to myself negatively. I do know when I was diagnosed at 8 it was clear by the age of 6 I had ADHD since Ive always struggled to manage my emotions and behaviour outbursts. I know some people who’s benefited from quitting and I know some who live religiously by it.

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