josiegrosssie avatar
1 year ago

alternative treatments

Hi there - I’ve been on prescribed ADHD meds for many years now. With the shortages it’s been hard to obtain my medication and I’m curious as to how others are handling it?? Any OTC alternatives you’ve tried that work just as well?

joatmon23 avatar

I’ve been taking omega 3 & 6 and whatever else is in “relief factor” but at the suggestion of a supplement employee I started GABA and DMAE.

BlazN  avatar

No meds here.. unless you count marijuana. I will not take prescription pills. There's never been one designed to cure anything at all. Find what works for you. Since there are different aspects of ADHD, you can use different forms of your senses to create focus, relaxation, energizing, etc. For energizing use scents like citrus a lemon or an orange.. smell it... And if that doesn't work taste it. For relaxation, you can use lavender oil, chamomile tea or oil, and for focus, you can use ginko bilboa supplements, or patchouli, crystals, and even peppermint oil. There's a previous of home remedies on a wonderful website named Look up remedies or symptoms of your ailment to find out what's worked for others. Everyone is different, but you will find relief if you try. Mostly temporary, but if used faithfully, could cure some health issues contributing to the problems.

nbguthridge avatar

My dr put me on a brand new med called Jornay and you take it at night and it kicks in right when you wake up. It’s new so you can still get it. You will need the coupon offered on the site to get the price down.

josiegrosssie avatar

Fascinating! How do you like it so far?

nicophinerine avatar

worst case, i somewhat manage on caffeine from tea during the day, vit d, and then magnesium and melatonin at night. its the bare minimum but it keeps me kinda afloat thru the worse periods, even if its really just holding onto a razor in the middle of the sea to stay afloat.

julesk avatar

I find supplements help or at least it isn’t as bad. Iron, l-theanin, mushroom complex, algae omega 3 and ashwagandha by day. Magnesium glycanite at night. I also figured out a way to remember to take them so lmk if you’d like to know!

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