dizzydolly avatar
1 year ago

Head aches

Does anyone here suffer from Headaches . I’m Autistic and ADHD and I have headaches a lot . I’m wondering where it’s something to do with my ADHD ?

dizzydolly avatar

I’m not sure if this is coincidence or not ,but when I did human physiology A level we talked about the anabolic and catabolic processes of cells and in particularly connective tissues . Connective tissues hold the structure of the body together . They are made up of two different proteins. Collagen and elastin . Collagen is found in the bones , tendons , ligaments , skin , Cartilage and blood vessels. Elastin is found in the ligaments and skin. When these connective tissues become inflamed , this can harm the proteins and surrounding areas of the body . Which is known as a connective tissue disorder . I have autism as well as ADHD and I have the collagen condition called Ehlers Danlos syndrome. I do need to do more research to connect the dots a little more , but one thing for sure I do know is because our adhd brain lack certain synapses and certain vital components to allow us to function in a linear way … it’s possible we may need to supplement more on nutrition like Vitamin D3 for example … to help create dopamine …which we need to function and regulate our mood and our ability to relax … maybe this will help. I’m not trying to diagnose anyone but it’s definitely something to look into xx

sleepysquirrel avatar

I don't remember having headaches during my childhood but do remember them during my teen years. And I have full blown migraines since 19 years old. It seems like it's the inability to relax which may be part of ADHD or may be not

ohmu. avatar

I have migraines (have had them since ~3 years old). There is a known link between ADHD and neurological diseases like chronic migraines.

KillerTofu avatar

I always have. Now they're worse due to my cervical degenerative disc disease. Funny enough, I learned depression and anxiety can cause DDD, which had me thinking that ADHD could too since it shares similar symptoms and I'm only 34. And ADHD people are prone to depression and anxiety. It would make sense because I have always held my tension in my neck. It's probably deteriorated my vertebrae spaces over the years 😩

dizzydolly avatar

Yes today has been one of those days for me too. I have this tension in my head that just lingers over my whole head it’s awful xx

Camilita avatar

I have headaches and also migraines… today has been one of those days. In my case, I have a lot of tension built up in my shoulders and neck, and it’s partially because of my adhd / inability to relax my body. So my migraine comes from my neck problems…. And some of my neck problems are because my of adhd

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