Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT
1 year ago

Hack - What’s done is done

Today’s hack that what’s done is done and you can only move forward really spoke to me. I spend so much time over analyzing the past, trying to get back things I’ve had (even if they don’t fit in my life now), and usually feel pretty constant guilt and crippling anxiety. I don’t like being wrong either. I need to figure out how to be more present and remember what’s done is done but I can be better starting now.

Kalechip avatar

This is something I struggle with too, trying to stay in the present moment and breathe it out when that happens but it takes time and practice

tigerlilytoast avatar

I do the same and it is frustrating!I like that little saying. It makes sense

Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT

It really sounds so simple and I make it so complicated!

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