sheldok2 avatar
1 year ago

Mental Health Hospialization

Anyone else have experience with inpatient hospitalization due to suicidal ideation from anxiety/depression? I spent a few days last week in a facility. I could really use some encouragement as I return to work tomorrow after being unexpectedly hospitalized. :(

Catherine avatar

Lots of love to you and keep in mind that you are a badass person! I hope your first few days went well

marky avatar

ya i have

sheldok2 avatar

Thank you for sharing!

Tynty avatar

Yes, I was hospitalized twice for the exact same reasons.(add borderline personality disorder and, but yes. When I went back to work my boss immediately wanted to know why I went to the hospital. I was naive and lied, saying it was for my heart. I didn't realize you don't have to say anything. It's actually against the law (or something) for them to ask. You can say," you know, I don't feel comfortable talking about that right now ". Unfortunately, most people do not understand suicidal ideation, depression ,anxiety, etc. However, if you at work, you may find a kindrid spirit. You don't have to tell anyone you don't want to. Recently, I told my therapist I didn't like telling my mom (my confidant) about my suicidal thoughts,etc. My therapist told me that if I told my mom, then she may feel more comfortable opening up to me My therapist was right. *** SO, not to contradict myself...BUT only tell who you want to tell. Everyone else can mind their business (or tell them a tamer reason). Hopefully you find a kindred spirit you can be true with. Was my answer long or what??? Lol

sheldok2 avatar

Your comment was super helpful! I logically know that I don’t have to share medical information. I tend to be an over sharer, though, in an attempt to connect with others. I’m working on setting healthy boundaries. I’ve been honest with my parents about my suicidal ideation and sought help with their support, which I’m super grateful for!

sarafaithgunn avatar

Many of times but haven’t in almost a year and a half .

sheldok2 avatar

Thank you for sharing! Struggling with mental health can feel really lonely.

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