letsmange.com avatar
11 months ago

I am starting the 8th grade

How do deal with adhd in school and how do I stay focused on things during class. Cause that has always been a problem for me.

zonedout avatar

Most of my school time I spent undiagnosed and had to repeat a year. So i had two years knowing that i had ADHD. For me the medication helped somewhat. But honestly I spent most time pretending I was paying attention and kinda relied on pressure induced hyper focus to study for the tests (nearly always started the night before the test) and also on summaries of more organized friends.

chicknlady avatar

Something that helped me was listing! Just like this app… but 25 years ago we didn’t have this app. I was able to make it through all of public school years and 8 years of college…. Lists and marking stuff off the list! It wasn’t easy but just try all different tips until you find your grove thing that helps you and boom! Youve got this!!!

letsmange.com avatar

Thank you for this tip

zonedout avatar

But it always helped me to hand write the summaries myself depending on time i still had also just based on the summaries if my friends. Writing it down just made me remember the stuff better. Also there is an app (its free for pc) it’s called anki where you can make flash cards and also add pictures and stuff. So you can study by recalling the information (you would have to start early enough tho to make the cards).

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