Vivi83 avatar
5 months ago

Dear Numo-Developers, I have a wish

I’d really like a search functionality so I can search for post or hacks on special topics. Right now I have to scroll through all the posts. Maybe that would be possible? Thanks for maybe taking into consideration 😊

Julia from Numo avatar
Julia from Numo

Hey! I am here and totally agree with your requests. I have wanted them for a long time, and I hope soon we can deliver them.

Camilita avatar

Oh, I have another wish😅 I would love to be able to categorise my task list into morning, noon, afternoon, evening… like a break it down into smaller chunks kind of thing 🙂 I have a quite long task list and prioritising is super overwhelming as I have to go through all of the tasks on my list manually and then drag them to their spot…

Camilita avatar

Me too!!! 😂 I’m currently scrolling and scrolling and scrolling to find the post from the admins regarding the “emotional check….” thingy… I wanted to write down and share the emotion I often find missing! But now I can’t find the post 🙃😬 I also wish we could tag the name of a user in a post, comment or reply… because I would definitely tag Dima 💛 who’s always so helpful and kind! I will do it randomly here though just to avoid that my adhd brain forgets it, let it slip out into space and into a black hole 🕳️ Ok. Most important emotions missing for me: *hopeful *insecure *grateful *anxious or worried *irritated And maybe also… *lonely *confident *desperate *brainfog *dysregulated Sorry for hijacking your post 😬❣️ But, I agree, if we could search for specific posts, I wouldn’t have had to 😇

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