How Do You Stay Organized?
What’s your favorite organizing hack? Share your story or tips—your insight could help someone else thrive! 🗂️✨
What’s your favorite organizing hack? Share your story or tips—your insight could help someone else thrive! 🗂️✨
I have so much stuff! We just got written up by our apartment for too much clutter. My husband is mad at me. My kids hate me. I have been crying nonstop since we got the notice on Friday. We are on a list.
I’m the type that is always on the brink of crisis or I’m totally sailing. It’s one extreme or the other! I need to live in a house that is minimalistic and currently I’ve accumulated to the point of destruction again. So yes in crisis must declutter, throw away, rid of certain people and start to organise my life again.
Not putting something down unless it's in its designated place. I don't want it's really hard w Laundry
I'm that person who buys books and magazines on organization then buys cute baskets or other storage pieces which somehow leads to more clutter drives my husband crazy 🤦♀️
My husband feels the same way when it comes to my same habit he constantly has to remind me never to buy any kind of basket or storage tote etc because they all end up becoming catch alls for all the random stuff my ADHD has not allowed me to get rid of or throw away or my little Nickel and dime dollar here dollar there impulse buys......I'm horrible with any kind of serious clearance sales in stores etc
Me too. I feel you. I got in a relationship which I swore never to do again! This time it was physically abusive. I just give too much of my own time away and my life backs up on me. Now I’m in crisis again nothing is functioning and I feel like the world is closing in on me. I’m hyperactive type adhd. How bout you?
Stick to a routine daily or I let everything go and set hopeless wishing I had energy.
J'aurais utiliser cette appli en français. Je commence à peine à mettre en place des routines. Et je vois que j'ai beaucoup de travail.
I have a routine before going to bed after my shower. It allows me to do all the things I have to do daily for example clean the cat toilets and allows me to timebox. I have another one when I leave house to take everything I need like cleaning my teeth, put some clothes, badge, wallet, public transportation card… this way I can better estimate my morning routine and avoid to be late for the train! I use routinery app
I’m overwhelmed right now. Going through a divorce and having to sort out the house all by myself because he told me it’s my mess and stuff. He’s right. I was just diagnosed with ADHD two months ago and am medicated. I have made progress but it just seems like I should be doing more. 😩
It does feel like a lot of n.typicals, or even n.diverse who are at different spectrums than us, figure that once we are diagnosed and are being medicated, we should instantly be well and finally acting as the person that THEY want us to be… it’s never that simple. And it hurts to be on the receiving end of that shame and guilt for being different than them… for being ourselves. Hugs to you, to both of you, and anyone else reading this! 🫂 Divorce, or being put out on our own, doesn’t mean it’s the end - it just means it’s our next chapter and our next chance to be who we want to truly be. Don’t ever give up on being the person you want to be! 👑
Hey. Sometimes you need to aknowledge that at least you aren’t in the corner rocking back and forth muttering “mercy”. It’s been known to happen! But I’m also autistic! I just got assaulted by my partner at Xmas and now think I’m pregnant also. That would be child number 6! At 46! When my youngest is 12. Oldest 30. So yeah. Sometimes life sux. But honey, at least you aren’t diagnosed AND medicated! I’m diagnosed as of last year. Not yet medicated need to find a psychiatrist. Got treated at psychologists office. They can’t prescribe! Damnit.
I have to play music for my brain to get me going. Once I’ve found that tune then I’m able to clean.
For the worst is a pile of papers that need to be sorted. My first step is to put it upright in a box or a box. Then I can go through the papers, magazines and other things one after the other and, for example, put out all the magazines. This reduces the amount of paper and I find the important papers such as invoices and letters faster. Nevertheless, everything remains in the order in which the stack was created. This is important to me because I often remember at what depth of the pile a note was.
I feel like I have so many daily to-do list like I have a stack of daily to-do list and always like Okay I'm going to consolidate all of them and have like one major mass 500 to do's on a list and start working my way down the list I haven't got to that yet but I'm going to lol
Create one list for the big ideas, and another list(s) for each idea to break them down. So essentially, you will end up with more to-do lists, but you will have one primary list for you to choose your next task from. It doesn’t even have to be in order of importance; you can number it like that later if you’d like to, though, but do remember that life is life, and more important things will come up before you can make it through your full list(s). This is where the Eisenhower Matrix could help you out, with prioritizing.