saraswatii avatar
5 months ago

Are you almost always late for appointments too?

How do you deal with it? Do you also feel ashamed and still can't make it? Do you also struggle to get to work on time? -> Those who are never late, what tips do you have?

saraswatii avatar

Thank you very much for sharing & caring ❣️❣️❣️

Camilita avatar

I am very often late, but not so much…mostly like 5 minutes. So I started thinking about my environment, do other people arrive 5 minutes late too? Yes, they do. Do they act like they are anxious about it and over-explain the causes every single time? No they don’t. So I realised I made it a bigger problem by taking up a lot of space over explaining and drawing a lot attention to it…. So now I only explain myself if I’m noticeably late. And I only apologise if it causes a real problem. I enter, I say good morning in a friendly manner, and I make sure to start working immediately when I arrive and I always stay 5 min extra at the end of the day if needed. I have stopped treating myself as if I am a problem. And if I end up in a period of being more late, like at least 15 min very often, then I take it as a warning sign that I have to reduce my stress, tidy up and declutter at home, try to get more sleep or maybe there is something important that I am procrastinating…? and therefore I am unconsciously but constantly unfocused and can’t cope with daily routines nor find my deodorant… but I don’t start punishing myself anymore thinking I suck because I can’t be on time. I just need to be kind with myself and try to get to the source of why I’m not functioning right now.

saraswatii avatar

Thank you very much for sharing & caring ❣️❣️❣️

Camilita avatar

No… I don’t always find the root cause immediately. But I think in the cases I’m late for something I’m really looking forward to, it can be because I worry about not bringing the right things or appropriate clothes etc and then start overthinking. I worry about being sensory icky and overthink everything that could go wrong 😂 and loose a lot of time planning how to prevent all the possible inconveniences. I am slowly learning to make sure I don’t have sensory triggering clothes in my closet, to directly throw tights with holes in them… I’ve rinsed out socks with uncomfortable seems. Not having a proper time awareness could also affect, in this case alarms, not just for waking up is great. At home we have an alarm that goes of in the kitchen when it’s time to have breakfast 😁 Don’t hate yourself thought ❤️‍🩹 tell yourself, “this did not go as I had hoped for, but it is ok, I am learning, and learning takes time and is not a linear process”

saraswatii avatar

Absolutely thank you. Do you always find the root cause? There are situations where I really don’t get it… like for things I’m looking forward to or means a lot to me… i hate myself afterwards for not being able to get on time or to disappoint someone or myself

HooseCoatHero avatar

Literally always!

saraswatii avatar

How do you deal with the reaction of your environment or employer? I’m always late and i really feel bad about it but still can’t make it on time

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