urizen avatar
1 year ago

Can you help me?

I’ve come up with an innovation of Pomodoro technique, especially for people with ADHD. I invite you to rate it, try it and suggest improvements. Then our host, Numo, can take note, and if we’re lucky, implement it in the app xD. In the post thread, I’ll outline the phases so you can contribute to each one. Instead of being tied to rigid time intervals, like the traditional 25-minute Pomodoro, here we’ll talk about ‘Activity Blocks.’ Here’s how it works:

hsampson avatar

I do 13-3. 13 minutes work then break for 3 times four times (for those of you that don’t know the Pomodoro technique). On my break when I try to do something fun, it makes me have to rush and it kind of makes it like a game and it helps. 

playingtetris avatar


1baseballmomof3 avatar

So, where it says “10-min break every 4 blocks of 10 min”; is that saying every 40 min, I should take a 5 min walk, eat a 3 min snack and breath for 3 min? Just making sure that I’m following.

1baseballmomof3 avatar

Ah! May help if I start reading from the bottom, rather than the top.

1baseballmomof3 avatar

Ah! May help if I start reading from the bottom, rather than the top 🤦🏻‍♀️

urizen avatar

2-Minute Breaks between 10-Minute Blocks: 1. Deep Breathing: Dedicate 1 minute to perform deep and slow breaths. This can help relax the mind and body. 2. Quick Stretches: Perform simple and gentle stretches for 1 minute. This can help alleviate muscle tension and improve circulation. 10-Minute Breaks Every 4 Blocks of 10 Minutes: 1. Mini Walk: Allocate 5 minutes for a short walk in a nearby area. Gentle physical activity can help revitalize the mind. 2. Healthy Snack: Have a small, healthy snack like fruits, nuts, or yogurt for 3 minutes. This will provide sustained energy. 3. Breathing and Meditation: Use 2 minutes to practice meditation or mindfulness. This can help reduce stress and enhance concentration. 1-Hour Break after 3 Sets of (4 Blocks of 10 Minutes + 2-Minute Break): 1. Lunch or Meal: Spend 20-30 minutes enjoying a balanced and nutritious meal. This will recharge your physical and mental energy. 2. Short Exercise: Engage in a brief 10-15 minute exercise, such as light stretches, gentle yoga, or a brisk walk. This helps maintain energy and focus. 3. Active Rest: Dedicate 10-15 minutes to engage in a relaxing yet enjoyable activity, such as reading, listening to soothing music, or taking a short nap. 4. Hydration: Drink water throughout the break to stay hydrated and alert. 5. Positive Visualization: Take 5 minutes to visualize your goals and remind yourself why you’re doing this work. This can help maintain motivation.

urizen avatar

Game Phase - Achievements and Self-Rewards: 10. Personal Duration Achievements: Establish achievements based on the cumulative duration of your use of the “Activity Blocks” technique. Achievements could include: • 2 Consecutive Blocks • 1 Full Hour of Blocks • 3 Full Hours of Blocks • 1 Day (8 hours) of Blocks • 2 Days (16 hours) of Blocks • 5 Days (40 hours) of Blocks • 2 Weeks of Blocks • 1 Month of Blocks • 2 Months of Blocks • 3 Months of Blocks • 6 Months of Blocks • 1 Year of Blocks 11. Personal Self-Rewards: Instead of external rewards, give yourself personal rewards for each achievement. Celebrate your productivity and effort by acknowledging your accomplishments. 12. Achievement Tracking: Keep a record of the achievements you’ve reached as you complete activity blocks and meet specific time goals. This will help you recognize and value your own efforts. 13. Personal Celebration: Enjoy moments of personal celebration for each achievement. It could be a brief moment of relaxation, an activity you enjoy, or any form of self-recognition that makes you feel satisfied with yourself.

urizen avatar

Additional Challenge: 5. Additional Challenge Goal: After setting your goal for each concrete action, define an additional challenge goal that is 5-10% higher than your current benchmark. 6. Initial Preparation: Set a timer for 10 minutes. Let the game begin! 7. Focus on Actions: In each activity block, treat a task as a challenge. Maintain your focus on completing these actions. 8. Achievement Score: Keep track of how many concrete actions you completed during the activity block and whether you surpassed your additional challenge goal. 9. Special Reward: If you manage to exceed your additional challenge goal, reward yourself with an extra special reward. This could be something more significant than the rewards after each standard activity block.

urizen avatar

Game Phase: 2. Identify Your Tasks: Make a list of the tasks you need to do. 3. Break Down into Concrete Actions: For each task, break it down into specific and measurable actions. For example, instead of “Prepare a report,” you could have actions like “Research data,” “Write introduction,” “Create graphs,” etc. 4. Customized Action Goals: For each concrete action, set goals based on your initial performance. How many actions can you complete in 10 minutes?

catnapsallday avatar

I think 10minutes sometimes is too long for a task. Maybe have the option to choose how many minutes per task. 5min might be a good balance, then a meal afterwards or something as a reward.

urizen avatar

Performance Measurement Phase: 1. Evaluate Your Initial Performance: Measure how many specific and measurable actions you can complete in a specific task in 10 minutes. This will be your reference.

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