koopakai avatar
1 year ago

Anyone else hate responding to messages?

I was a texter for so long, now these days I hate it. I do much better in person, if I see a text, 90% of the time I’ll not respond. 🫣 /says with my 117 unread texts

Anyone else hate responding to messages?
sarafaithgunn avatar

That sounds like me

rufflebottom avatar

I don’t respond 99% of the time as well. Some of the reason is because I’ll read the message, answer in my head (sometime even start to type my reply) but then get distracted by something and either 1) think I have actually replied back or 2) just completely forget. The other reason behind it is I just feel so mentally drained and exhausted to reply.

recklesflamingo avatar

I read texts and then get distracted and don’t respond. Or I’ll text with someone and then they start to rapid fire text back and I just stop responding. I hate FaceTime

mellistar avatar

Yes!! I use to be able to atleast text back but now I hate even responding and especially can’t pick up the phone! I hate calling people back! It’s become really bad! Thankfully it’s got to the point where no one even tries to contact me anymore lol

rachelelana avatar

Omg yes. It used to be much worse but I would immediately feel overwhelmed and intruded upon. Even if I really wanted to hear from the person reaching out. I’ve considered before if I conform to the PDA profile in autism. I also used to struggle more severely with brain fog so that was a barrier. Voice notes helped me get past that time but I still struggle with not reaching out myself as much as I’d like to.

koopakai avatar

I should do more voice notes - I used to hate them, but now that they can be dictated so I don’t have to listen to them it’s better 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️ But brain fog sucks to deal with. I think it’s one of my biggest hurdles I deal with lately.

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