kimberlyRrr avatar
2 years ago


How do you organize a cleaning schedule? I really struggle and when I only clean when things are "a mess" everything us just always a mess... I need help

Unknown avatar

I struggle with this too! Myself and my two children (4 and 10) are all diagnosed ADHD and Austism and I'm sure my husband is too. We are all masters of filling space and surfaces and terrible at keeping a cleaning routine and organising. The only thing I've found helps is planning our birthday parties to be held at home throughout the year so the house gets a thorough sort, clean and tidy in the 2 days leading up to each event as the deadline is the only thing that makes me motivated enough to get it done.

Unknown avatar

I spent the money to have someone come and do it and I make an effort to keep it the same bc it’s looks so good…. If some thing is done for me, the right way, I tend to be more conscious of keeping it that way. I literally would stay up late and try and clean and it just became different piles of things so I just felt like I was rearranging what needed to be organized and not actually organizing it if that makes sense I’ve always been on the struggle bus with this, though I also start taking her laundry basket to every room and anything that needs to go somewhere else I put in the basket so when I’m done cleaning that room completely I just move rooms and then at the end, I put things where they belong that have ended up in the basket.

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