lilmushroomgal avatar
1 year ago

Organised mess?

Anyone else’s desk at work really messy? I’m a very clean person (thankfully 😅) but omg things can get so messy really quickly because of my ADHD. My work desk has been described by multiple colleagues as “an organised mess” - in that I know exactly where everything lives but it looks like an absolute tip 😂😂 Anyone else relate to this?

scattercat151 avatar

Yes and after I clean it, I can have it completely covered in 2 days

ohsooriginal avatar

Of course. If it’s “put away” it no longer exists 🤷‍♀️. I would LIKE to just reject their assumption that a cleared off or organized desk is superior but they judge it on sight not based on the evidence …. But there are some things I do to make it more “palatable” to their eye. I have shelves that can be fully open while I’m there with my stacks and things but I can close it and hide it when needed. And I have coasters for my plethora of beverages lol I actually really like how it makes them look like they “belong” there because it has a landing pad 🤣

librarylandlisa avatar

+1 on coasters.

potatoes  avatar

My work desk is usually clean My home desk \ benchs on the other hand I have three one for music production one for welding and fire and hot stuff and one for tools and working on mechanical things and electronics and they're all disastrous truly but I know everything is sometimes lol

tiffanitwysted avatar

The thing that amuses me the most about my messy desk is always having like 3 different drinks in front of me - water, coffee, soda, or adult beverage at home 😂

jtree avatar

My work desk is more organized than anything else in my life. But it gets messy through out the day because I have to keep things in front of me to finish them. I just clean it at the end of the day and organize the things that need to be taken care of first the next day on top.

aliona :p avatar
aliona :p


lilmushroomgal avatar

Hi 👋

just4me avatar

I had issues with a large desk in my first office space. I've been moved into a tiny file room as an "office" and now it's even worse since there's no where to organize better.

lilmushroomgal avatar

Oh gosh I can relate. I was moved last year into a very small single office with no windows and it was hell for my concentration issues (which I didn’t yet know were ADHD)! Thankfully I was moved back into my shared office not long after, which is big and spacious and has windows. It can be distracting at time but it’s so much better than living in a cupboard 😂

sewstuck2000 avatar

I have 2 working spaces, my desk at work as a receptionist is easier to organise because I share it with another person so it HAS to be tidy at the end of the day. I have a "to be done" tray and a "to he filed" pile. Things that need to be shredded go straight it the shredder because if I don't then I end up with a huge pile that ends up longer to shred so it gets out off- you know the procrastination cycle. At about 4 in the afternoon I have a check list that includes filing the to file pile and shredding what's left if I got distracted during the day. Also, folders for everything not in the files and a shelf/box for the folders and this all gets done during that afternoon "set up for the next day". Music helps.

lilmushroomgal avatar

That’s interesting 🤔 I actually can’t listen to music whilst I work because it distracts me too much. I work in a shared office and have to use noise cancelling earplugs sometimes if the people around me are in a meeting or are just talking or playing music aloud, for example.

drama avatar

I just have clutter continuously and of course I know where everything is and get really pissed if sb touches my stuff (at home) then spike of organizing I guess I developed some kind of ocd to compensate..

sahri avatar

As a graphic designer, my desk was always a mess that included lots of art supplies, sketchbooks, and paper everywhere. However, since 2018 I started working only digitally and bought an iPad for everything I would need paper for (sketching, reading books, writing meeting notes, planner, journals…). Ever since, my desk is very very minimal and very clean. I kinda miss the paper mess (I love the physical contact with art supplies), but the clean desk really helps me focus.

pickles avatar

Yes and we don't even get much paper. I have 4 drink containers though...I just counted. Lol gonna put all but one away now. That will help.

valquery avatar

I am the clutter queen. I can't even figure out how to make it look organized. What do people do with a the paper?!

msp3000 avatar

I am declutter king in that case. My paper shredder is working all the time. I cannot stand unsolved paperwork.

lilmushroomgal avatar

Yes! My problem exactly! It doesn’t help that my work still hasn’t given me a cabinet or drawers, so I’m just using this plastic paper tray thing which is separated, but it’s better than nothing I suppose 😅😂

funaize avatar

Absolutely!! 100%! No matter how hard I try to focus on keeping my desk, kitchen counter, you name it, I just end up with a cluttered organized mess. Sometimes even faster the harder I try. I've just come to terms with accepting this is who I am because I can't seem to fix it

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