This is me ❤️dog Dyvo. Share your pets 🦖
9 months and 28kg baby His name is translated like Miracle from Ukrainian
9 months and 28kg baby His name is translated like Miracle from Ukrainian
And THE momma/grandma cat of my mom’s litter. Feisty lil orange tabby when she wants to be, but smart, loyal, and sweet as heck otherwise!
My Delilah - okay, she’s my mom’s, but she’s my absolute most favorite kitten right now, and I’m determined to bring her home with me one day! (My husband doesn’t want pets… but I *neeeeed* a cat… or two.)
Can’t forget the bestest doggo - was my dad’s best buddy in my dad’s last few years. I think after me hugging him several times over the years, but especially on the day my dad passed, I think he learned what a hug is and how to do it with his “arms,” and I’m so impressed, even still, every time he does it!
One of my mom’s “untouchable” momma cats… she has finally learned I’m pretty decent and will let me love on her… sometimes. Sometimes she only lets me get one petting in and she’s done with me.