I’m in perimenopause that’s when my ADHD was discovered and diagnosed. Finally I am at peace and getting my shit together. If only I would have been diagnosed as a child. My life’s outcome would have been so much better and different. Now at 53 I feel like I am getting a fresh start. I guess better late than never.

My effectiveness has been a real mess. I was slow. I stated the medication for ADHD. It works well, but not always as with my premenopausal, I am not having enough hours of sleep per night. So, even if took my ADHD medic, I am having messy days jumping from one task to another and not being really efficient; has I always have been before my premenopausal that started at 52 year old. Before I never had my head into clouds… And so, not even when I was pregnant 🤰of my daughter at the age of 45 years old.

My periods are getting heavier and heavier, and my moods are getting worse!! I have to be in bed for the first three days.. moody.com app helps so much!!

I’m trying to be kind to myself. I also write a lot my thoughts in a diary. I’m trying to listen to chillout music and communicate that I’m not in the best shape.

As a transman with a period, its not easy to get anyone, including me, to accept that I am experiencing something biological when I lose my emotional sh*t one week a month. The only hack I have is one I found by accident. I was tracking my ovulation cycles to try to get pregnant, and the App had a mood tracker built in and a relationship tracker built in. It was really strange watching the pattern where my relationships often went to hell with my hormones. But helpful.

I always bring a wallet everywhere I go knowing that I’m very forgetful. To maintain my mood, I always eat everything good for my body to keep up the dopamine level 2 weeks straight before period.

Literally just taking each day as it comes and being kind to myself and honest with the people around me.

I do so much research.. usually in the 2 weeks before my period 😂😅 I have always had PMS symptoms but it wasn’t until after my 3rd pregnancy and after I finished breastfeeding that it manifested into crippling PMDD… I’m always trying new things to help with symptoms.. the only thing that has given me relief so far is a DIM complex 🙏🏼

My biggest life hack has been tracking my mood and habits. If I’m craving sweets, and emotional, I’m probably getting my period within the next week. Once it starts, i usually calm back down. Just knowing how my mood is helps me mentally prepare for any highs and lows.

¡I knew it! I almost died because of the depression. I was under birth control since I was 11 years old because of prevention of an irregular breast development; since I was 9 I was struggling with depression and in my adolescence it was a nightmare. Until almost 12 years later I left them. Since I was an adult I told my doctors that anticonceptive pills made me go even lower in my depression and anyone told me that it was contraindicated for me. I was diagnosed just 2 years ago when I was 32 about my adhd. I left the pills the pills 5 years before and of course my depression around my period was lower, was livable... it makes me feel angry and sad to think that womens are not listened or are not important for scientifics to search more about this. Our lives are really difficult because of that. My advice: let's leave hormones and learn about our cycles and bodys to get empower.

Also I get pretty cranky on full moons no joke so I’ve gotta try to keep it chill around those days

My husband notice my cycles before I do. I forget I was in this and that mood before I am in one.

When I’m on my period I have extreme amounts of energy and am very sensitive to my meds. I take less than normal doses. After my period I am lethargic and my medication literally doesn’t work.

I get sudden waves of sadness and it’s really difficult for me to put myself in a better/more positive mood.

I need to give lots of apologies the day before my period starts. I have pmdd and becoming a raging monster. Though I can say it has gotten much better when I got rid of the ex husband. He would constantly complain I was evil on that day. I would say it was the one day out of the month that I could no longer tolerate his constant stupidity. Needless to say am very thankful to not have to tolerate the stupidity anymore. Or atleast not on a daily basis.

It takes a lot of patience for me to calm down because I experience very intense feelings of anger. I would have to put on some music and continue with breathing exercises.

I already have depression and certain medications I can’t take as they can possibly make my depression worse. I’m also very irregular so tracking is impossible. I am lucky in that I don’t get any cramps. As much as I don’t want to I try to get up and move, go outside and get fresh air, some sun light. My mood still won’t be great but it’ll be better than if I just sat around instead.

I have depression already but one or two week before my period I become more depressive. Then I say myself that "You know this will pass, it always did. U've experienced this before. It always gone better." Sometimes it works...

I don’t have any cycle related hacks but I’m trying to learn more about how it affects my adhd symptoms and plan for the low energy and mood swings.

I’ve noticed my mood swings and low mood got worse about two weeks before my periods and used anti depressants which helped for a while I started to watch my body and emotions before and during my period and just try to treat myself nicely when I feel down, don’t expect too much of myself and do everything slower or let it drop completely. It’s still a learn in progress thing though