nccosta avatar
9 months ago


Lately I've been suffering from depression. Let's just say that the need to be perfect, to have everything planned out and at the same time everything messed up, to have dreams and not be able to see things through to the end have done a lot more damage than I expected. Is anyone else like this?

Callionymus avatar

I have anxiety because of my perfectionism VS my ADHD (and let’s say it, because the world is a crazy place : all is not ADHD fault, there is sooo much things that are not normal going on). I find that class gym help me a lot !!! I go every week and try not skip the class twice in a row for accountability. It is really great for my depression and anxiety !

london avatar

Sigh, I’m exactly like that and exhausted

ohmu. avatar

In periods my whole life (since ~12 to now - I'm 35). For me antidepressants in combination with stimulants have worked pretty well. Also having a calendar and a todo list, and not hitting yourself when you feel worse and don't have the energy to keep up with routines (including said calendar etc). I've done a lot of different CBT, but it rarely sticks once the therapy is over. This is probably highly subjective though and different things work for different people.

capybara868 avatar

I can relate to the inability to follow through on processes big time. Recently ended an 8 week slump slacking on some important stuff, what kicked me out of that weird paralyzed state were clear conversations about what was going on with the people connected to those neglected tasks

cuddly avatar

I struggle with the feeling of not seeing things through to the end. Sometimes I realize however I wanted it to go faster and actually it’s ok if my projects take longer and I pick them up again. I have tried to remind myself of the things I have finished if I am down with how things are currently.

xtraChizz avatar

So relate to everything you wrote. I was late diagnosed, so for the whole life I couldn’t succeed in almost every aspect in life without knowing why, this developed me depression and anxiety until I was diagnosed, started to take medication and with therapy, I’m a much better version of myself now, but there’s still much much to work on. The ADHD created my anxiety, and they both fed each other.

jonajoni avatar

It feels like you’re having a rly bad time in ur head, I’m not sure if I’m exactly like that but I feel you… wanna talk about it? Why do u have the need to be perfect?

Soulrunner avatar

Yes but you gotta know if anyone can do it you can too and you also gotta pray to that one god that creates everything

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