uncensored27 avatar
1 year ago


Anyone have this comorbidity? I hear it’s very common, but nobody I know with ADHD has OCD too…?

Julia from Numo avatar
Julia from Numo

ocd is also on neurodiversity spectrum as ADHD thats why you and I have this overlap. I also have some symptoms of ASD

Julia from Numo avatar
Julia from Numo

I have some OCD episodes when I am afraid if I lock the door to my appartment

Amylieng avatar

U not alone lol

uncensored27 avatar

I have paralysis by analysis when it comes to everything. I swear everyone in my house thinks I’m crazy. I want to clean and organize everything but the anxiety leaves me frozen in internal panic!

SaraB avatar

This is very hard I have an ocd cleaning issue that makes it impossible to be diagnosed with adhd it’s due to trauma of growing up in literally skwaller I have a panic attack if I come home nd there are immediate messes I can see but I still have my doom piles there just hidden in file cabinets nd places that make me feel like i have clean space to be myself nd not fewr bugs crawling on me or the plathera of other gross things i endured as a kid

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