Monkey avatar
1 year ago

What do you do when you're out of energy to get more tasks done?

I have fibromyalgia and other disorders on top of ADHD. Oftentimes I run out of "spoons" before the morning is over. How do you recover more when you realize yours are low or out? My favorite thing to do is listen to music and read a book. Or take a nap.

stefka13x avatar

What happens when you borrow a spoon from the next day?

Monkey avatar

When I borrow spoons from the next day, my pain in my body gets so bad I can't get out of bed. :(


Apparently when we are frozen it’s the top level, to get back to the base level of functioning you have to go through the middle level of fight or flight. So to get out of the frozen state, play energetic music, cold water on face, star jumps… you will feel worse initially because you are back in fight or flight but then you have to come back down to base line functioning. I don’t know if I have mastered it… I sometimes just enjoy being frozen …..

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