fabienne avatar
1 year ago

NOT doing everything you can think of but still feeling successful

How do you cope with the inner pressure to get everything done TODAY, it’s like I find never ending tasks I could do today so my brain changes it to should do‘s today so at the end of the day I never get the feeling of „I did all my tasks today, great, now you can do something you like. Anyone got a hack? Have a wonderful day 💐

wild chaos  avatar
wild chaos

I have no hack for that but I know exactly what you mean it's like an all or nothing type thing and things need to be done it all just needs to be done no matter how exhausted you are or whatever else is going on I struggle with this and get to the point of complete burnout because I can't leave things undone if I know they need to be done

lizzyczubak avatar

I mostly just write to do lists and then check off tasks once I’ve completed them. But only for the day. Then at the end I throw them away.

fabienne avatar

Thank you for this, I will try to learn that. How do you decide in advance which and how many tasks you will do? This would also help me a lot

fabienne avatar

Thank you so much, that helps. Wish you a wonderful day 💐

urizen avatar

According to productivity courses, no more than 3, prioritized as the most important and challenging, although as a person with ADHD, I suppose we'll have to break them down into simple and concrete steps... and start our day with them, trying to maintain the course until completing them (Pomodoro technique?). In our case, the key will be not to punish or judge ourselves when we deviate, just get back on course, take it as a dance, and accept deviations as part of the journey?

urizen avatar

First of all, I would encourage you to dissociate your personal worth from the outcome or the number of tasks completed at the end of the day and treat it as a personal experiment of your own (independently of others). Don't forget about yourself, and try to shift your mindset from 'how much can I give' to 'how much I want to contribute to this project of my day.' Decide in advance on a minimum number of tasks to complete (with a minimum viable product mindset), and from there, proceed as a satisfying bonus. Remember that you also exist, and like everyone else, you have the right to dedicate time and care to yourself. Thank you in advance; I'm replying to both you and myself. Stay encouraged, and let me know if you come up with any improvements. I have the same problem, but it seems like I judge you less than I judge myself ☺️

fabienne avatar

Sorry I’m new here and didn’t realise I can answer directly to you, my answer is an another comment 💐

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