arieladhd avatar
1 year ago

Does anyone have a fear of public speaking?

I am not a shy person. I am extremely talkative and love to meet new people. If I can be my messy and crazy self then I’m not nervous, even in front of a stadium of people (I mean, I guess. I’ve never tried.) But if I have to perform professionally I get very nervous. For example, work presentations or (ugh) job interviews. It feels like sometimes I just don’t want people looking at me and judging me. It’s a problem because it means I hide my talents and avoid the spotlight. Can anyone relate? What do you do about it?

coursegrind avatar

Yeah same. I know I know my stuff. And I know I’m really good at what I do. However, when it’s a structured time like interviews or presentations it like my mouth and brain are disconnected and I’m just filling dead air with nonsense and random words.

adhdartist2023 avatar

My work paid for our department to work with professional speaking consultants, who taught us everything. It was a bit mortifying at first, especially the media training with the camera and lights, but got easier. Going forward, I would always set aside money in my dept budget for ongoing team and 1x1 training. Some people have used Toastmasters. And there are APPS!! I’ve cut and pasted a list below: VirtualSpeech: This app provides photo-realistic environments to train in, including realistic audiences and environments, sound distractions, voice analysis, and interactive courses. It is available on mobile and VR headsets. Speeko: This app offers instant feedback on your speaking style, including feedback on your pace, tone, and fillers. It adapts to your specific needs and recommends tailored lessons and exercises. It is available on the App Store. Preply: This app offers practice exercises, personalized tips, and speech coaching. It allows users to record and analyze their speeches and share their recordings with others for additional feedback and critique. Orai: This app helps users assess and analyze their speech based on factors like conciseness, filler words, energy, and pace. It is available on the App Store. Impromptu Generator: This app provides users with impromptu speech prompts to practice their speaking skills. It is available on Gear VR. PromptSmart Pro: This app helps users create short notes, write speeches, and make presentations. It is available on Android and iOS.

coursegrind avatar

Thank you for the app suggestion.

tiffanitwysted avatar

I hated public speaking or doing anything in front of people for years - even having the waiters sing happy birthday to me at restaurants - I would hide, or find some other way to get out of the situations… now I’m a teacher 🫣😂 and do a ton of public speaking as a presenter at conferences and for teacher professional development. I have to say - peers are the worst… I have no issues talking in front of my high school students - but adults? I hate it - mostly because they are the most critical and will complain and call you out on every little thing you do wrong - college students too… I’m not sure exactly when I got over my fear… it may be when I was in charge of our American cancer society relay for life and was forced to speak in front of thousands of people - I had a little bit of liquid courage before and realized it wasn’t all that bad - it definitely helps to have people who support you there in the audience. My dad’s advice was to always start with a joke - seeing people laugh and smile loosens things up. 🤗

agitatedtomato avatar

Same problem.. no solution yet

blubobbi avatar

I relate completely! Public speaking has always been difficult for me, so much that I've completely taken a zero on an assignment simply because I didn't want to present. The only thing I've found that's helped a little is the creation of the powerpoint or visual aids. I find that using my creativity in that area helps me feel more excited to show others. Also, I definitely relate with job interviews. Those make me sO nervous. I'm not sure what to do with those except for being myself as authentically as possible.

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