toasy avatar
11 months ago

Adhd and pregnancy?

Hello! Has anyone here gone through pregnancy? How did it affect you? Did you carry on taking your medication? I found out yesterday that I'm 2-3 weeks pregnant and I'm quite nervous to see how this will work with adhd, does anyone have any tips?

ADOoooPretty avatar

Congratulations! I had three kids before I found out I had ADHD. I just chalked up the brain fog, and inability to remember anything up to baby brain/mom brain. My coping skill for remembering things was taking whiteboard markers to my bathroom mirror. I have a large enough mirror I could section it into three categories: what needs to be done before the baby comes(which turned into what needs to be done this month after baby was born), what needs to be done this week, and what needs to be done today. You pee frequently when pregnant so you're always getting a visual of your to do lists. I put squares next to all the tasks so I could check them off as I did them. Pregnancy without ADHD is hard. People will give you lots of grace just because you're pregnant, so don't stress too much about having symptoms amplified. Everyone understands that growing a human is hard whether they understand the ADHD implications or not. You got this. You'll get through this. It's only 10 months!

tayla avatar

FRIEND! First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! I have an a 1 year old, so the ADHD pregnancy is still fresh on my mind. ADHD did affect me during pregnancy and here’s how: • ADHD, as I’ve learned, makes it kind of difficult to gatekeep with negative emotions. During pregnancy for me, these emotions were MUCH bigger. So angry meltdowns and major bouts of anxiety were a big thing for me. • you might be SO tired but still have that ADHD part of you that wants to DO STUFF and be productive! It’s a mental battle, but you can win it by finding “productive” things to do that also allow you to rest and not exert yourself too much and by reminding yourself that you can rest when you feel like you need to. Having someone in your life to remind you to rest and encourage you when you’re battling with this can be super helpful as well. • big negative emotions started out as big negative thoughts. So, my mental world was dark and chaotic. I don’t want to scare you by making you think it will be the same for you, because who knows? But I can say that having someone to be a rock for you during this time will be a great help. At times, when he could be, my rock was my husband. But more times than not, it was God. I battled a lot mentally in my faith during this time, but always found that when I had no one else to turn to, my faith in God and His presence was the only real strength and hope for me. I hope this helps! Don’t be afraid, pregnancy is a beautiful, exciting time. My pregnancy wasn’t planned and I struggled a lot, but that didn’t change the beauty of it and I wouldn’t change a thing. I pray all the peace and joy in the world for you!

jess_is a mess  avatar
jess_is a mess

you cannot take stimulant medication while pregnant and it makes the adhd symptoms worse because of the hormones :( i send you love and strength

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