dogslikecats avatar
1 year ago

Cleaning up

I like the results of having cleaned up a mess in the house, but I don’t enjoy the process and only rarely prioritize doing cleanup work. If you don’t like cleaning up either, how do you motivate yourself to actually get it done?

dogslikecats avatar

Thanks! That particular suggestion won’t help because I have a highly Adhd-affected 11 year old son who eats all of my morning time, most mornings, and who this morning woke me up at 6:25am, even though I told him the previous night that my alarm was set for 7:30am and I’d really appreciate it if he waited ‘til then. That said, I’ll try to make a point of doing cleaning-type stuff in the morning after he’s off to school or whatever, and see where that gets me.

lhia92 avatar

I have noticed that the time of day when I have the most motivation is when I wake up before going to work. For me, working days are wasted days because I can't be motivated after a day at work, I suffered too much during the day to add more effort when I get home in the evening. And for me weekend days are days of relaxation where I don't feel like doing chores. So I decided to wake up 30 minutes earlier on weekdays to do housework or exercise every other day. I put on a visual timer and I try to do as much cleaning as possible in 30 minutes or as much exercise as possible and on top of that it forces me to take a shower even on days when I work from home because I end up sweating. And I start the day proud of myself. I hope it can help you 😉

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