bubblesbling avatar
10 months ago

Using Google Maps

I use Google maps ALL THE TIME. I need to go somewhere: I set it up on my phone so I can see the ETA of the destination! That was I know what time I will make it there based upon when I leave. It gives me that 'deadline fear cortisol boost' to get shit done and leave the house!

Using Google Maps
JoseAlex  avatar

Yes! I always do the same even if I know where I am going. Knowing how my time is going for arrival calms me down and helps me plan. Only been late and running a couple of times in the last few years!

jinxedkaspa avatar

My kids ask me constantly why are you using the map you know to get there you go there all the time. Can’t tell you how many times it has saved me from being stuck in traffic congestion

squirrel-girl avatar

Love that maps idea, but I think it’ll also be a battery vampire for me

firefly avatar

By the time I’ve set up phone, earphones and watch to synch I’m often already at my destination. I’ve started entering the “leave” time in my calendar as the event time. I use google maps to estimate the time needed to get there and add 10-15 minutes. I add the actual appointment time in the title. Seems to be working well for me.

jellybeanqueen avatar

I do this too. I also add the address to the appointment reminder in my phone because I’m really good at loosing those tiny appointment cards from the doctor. So setting my reminder for the time when I need to get ready and putting the actual appointment time and name in the reminder name helps me to be on time for appointments more often.

bubblesbling avatar

Meticulous! I like it! :)

marsie avatar

I usually turn on Google Maps about half an hour before I'm supposed to be somewhere and use it as a countdown.

memel avatar

same!!! I always use Google maps

LindaMy avatar

Sounds cleaver! I’ll probably try that!

KatyMc avatar

This is an awesome idea! Will try it to see if it helps me leave on time 😂😅

scatteredJen86 avatar

I thought I was the only weirdo that did this!!! I will literally put my phone on my bathroom counter and keep looking at it. I also will ask my Alexa how long it will take me to get to work so I know if there is extra traffic or not.

jellybeanqueen avatar

Ok, my strategy for trying to figure out how long it’ll take to get somewhere is to guess 15 minutes of drive time for every 5 miles. So if I have to get to my son’s school and it’s 10 miles away then I need to leave 30 minutes before we have to be there. If it’s 15 miles away I leave 45 minutes before my appointment. If it’s 20 miles away I’m probably going to be in freeway traffic so leaving an hour ahead should be fine. 30 miles away means I’ll probably get there in an hour and a half.

bubblesbling avatar

Glad I'm not alone haha we're pretty good at finding backwards ways of getting things done, hey! I do not understand how people can predict how long getting somewhere will take. So much anxiety for me. Even using maps so much anxiety. But still less

fruitypebbs avatar

Same. People question me like I don’t know how to get anywhere. Sometimes I don’t bc that will take too much extra brain power that’s unnecessary and I dont have time for frustration and inattentiveness on the road. If i can see the time and directions I will get from point A to point B and know where I am on the map as well as my surrounding area in the most efficient way. If I do this before leaving the house I know my time limits.

bubblesbling avatar

I know what you mean.. people laugh at me all the time for it. If I had a dollar for every time someone thought a healthy coping mechanism for ADHD was funny.. i would have a self driving car.🙄

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