theadhdmom avatar
1 month ago

Social chalenges

Hi there! Does anyone here also has social anxiety or just social difficulties? If so, I could use some tips 😅 I'm way better and I got over most difficulties I used to have, but sometimes there are still challenges...right now Something is bothering me: there's a gym in my condo and there's a gym instructor that stays there all day to help the residents of the buildings. It's free and I need to exercise so badly, but I freeze just to think of going, presenting myself and asking for help 🤡 Gym was always a difficult context for me, maybe cause I'm not very coordinated, but I used to go to one that I could mostly do everything by myself without asking for help. But this one I have to pay and the one in my building is free (and a lot closer), so no way I'm gonna pay for gym membership. 😅

rollarotten avatar

Just put on your running shoes and go. Once you’re there you’ll realize it’s not that bad. I had the same problem and was also anxious about going to the gym. I completely get it. You just need to get out of that headspace. Hope that helps. 💖

destiniali avatar

another suggestion I would make is visualizing yourself confidently doing whatever task it is, and enjoying the outcome of said task. on the other hand, you could also try picturing the most simple, emotionless exchange so that you don't get as worked up.

destiniali avatar

it sounds like you are in your head and not connected to your body. something funny I did to help myself get over social anxiety is ask myself "what are they gonna do, fight me?" the obvious answer is NO, and it made me rethink my approach to socializing. people don't care about our actions as much as we tell ourselves they do. have you tried meditating? it's as simple as sitting with your thoughts and letting them go (not being attached to them). I also like to use brown noise to calm down my nervous system.

theadhdmom avatar

I laughed hard with the "fight me?" 🤣🤣 I guess that's a good approach. I'm gonna try. Thanks!

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