adhdandelion avatar
2 years ago

What to say to “adhd is a superpower!!”

whenever i’ve opened up about my diagnosis to neurotypical people in my life, i always get the “but its a superpower!!” response. I dont know how to respond in a way that doesnt come across as rude since i know theyre trying to be supportive, but im so tired of people who dont experience what i experience telling me its some great thing when its extremely debilitating and exhausting. what should i say???

decker8701 avatar

I think what Sammy said about a Higher Power is is right on. He or She can help if you can talk to him or her. Ask her what to to to do and leave it with her. You will get an answer, it may not be right away but it will come. Ask for help. Try to be humble in these situations, your friend means well and explain as briefly as possible the positives and negatives of ADHD

libob avatar

I think you say exactly that. There are some advantages but for me it can be debilitating and exhausting and give some examples. I think a lot of people with ADHD are trying to claim the good stuff so as to overcome the disorder narrative, myself included, but I don’t think that we should hide away from the fact that some things that neurotypical people take for granted are just immensely challenging. Be honest, it’s the only way!

Sammy J  avatar
Sammy J

The same way Superman has his cryptonyte (idk how it’s spelled) I believe our brains can be our friends and our worst enemies. I think it’s super import to involve a higher power because he created us this way for a reason right? We may never know why but I take time daily to pour my worries (my never ending todo list) and my overwhelm on him ( my higher power). I think thAt this helps but to have adhd and to not be intentional is hurtful to ourselves ( I keep telling myself this). Also remind yourself that only you are in your shoes - so if their opinions don’t help where you are in your neurological journey - OMIT them sis. It is a superpower though - think of Einstein- he’s pretty effing genius lol Sending love to you and YOUR brain - love on it. My response would simply be “superpowers come with GREAT responsibility- sometimes masking because we don’t want the world to know- sometimes unintentionally hurting the ones we love and that love us the most… “

Licorne avatar

Maybe you can say « Yes, the superpower part is very cool, but it also comes with a lot of struggles ». And explain some of the struggles if the person is receptive, or just stop there if not.

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