musegirl909 avatar
1 year ago

So here's my justification,

So in order for me to start any project/chore that I have/need to get done, I must have a full on plan of action in place. And all the necessary components to execute said plan. If I'm missing anything no matter how small, I can't/won't do it. Does anybody else have this issue? I'm talking like in order for me to clean off the top of my dresser, I must first have a place planned out for everything ie; boxes with labels so I know where to put things, a duster, clean rag and spray to wipe everything down. I spend so much time planning for the chore I have to do. I never get around to actually doing the chore cause I'm mentally exhausted.

Firebird avatar

isn't that the perfectionism that screws me up. I do nothing because if I can't do it the way I think I'm supposed to do it then I can't do it.

focusmissy avatar


saltyskye avatar

100% I need that satisfaction of it being done and over with otherwise I spent that time working with no reward it feels like in my brain lol

aliona :3 avatar
aliona :3


aliona :3 avatar
aliona :3


ciceropwyll avatar

It sounds like it’s because the excitement of a “project” is what is motivating you to do it. I used to be like that but I have found other methods that work now. Part of it was self-knowledge and understanding what my brain was doing and what it actually needed. Realising when I was getting carried away with the idea of the task and stopping myself was a big step. Next, I thought, “what if I had to just do it right now” - set a stopwatch or a timer and just doing it right then. I did this yesterday when I cleaned out a DOOM box. Instead of focusing on organising everything in the box, I just focused on picking out what I could throw away and gave myself permission to pt everything else back in if I wanted. It only took 20 minutes and I ended up organising and putting everything away anyway.

kstar850 avatar

I do this!! The way I've overcome it is when I'm starting what feels like a daunting task, I will Google a checklist on how to do it (or at least write a checklist) so that all my thoughts are gathered. Then it's easier to gather my supplies because I can see in front of me what I'll need. It also helps me stay on task because I have it right there what I'm supposed to be doing.

kstar850 avatar

I do this!! The way I've overcome it is when I'm starting what feels like a daunting task, I will Google a checklist on how to do it (or at least write a checklist) so that all my thoughts are gathered. Then it's easier to gather my supplies because I can see in front of me what I'll need. It also helps me stay on task because I have it right there what I'm supposed to be doing.

kstar850 avatar

I do this!! The way I've overcome it is when I'm starting what feels like a daunting task, I will Google a checklist on how to do it (or at least write a checklist) so that all my thoughts are gathered. Then it's easier to gather my supplies because I can see in front of me what I'll need. It also helps me stay on task because I have it right there what I'm supposed to be doing.

kstar850 avatar

I do this!! The way I've overcome it is when I'm starting what feels like a daunting task, I will Google a checklist on how to do it (or at least write a checklist) so that all my thoughts are gathered. Then it's easier to gather my supplies because I can see in front of me what I'll need. It also helps me stay on task because I have it right there what I'm supposed to be doing.

kstar850 avatar

I do this!! The way I've overcome it is when I'm starting what feels like a daunting task, I will Google a checklist on how to do it (or at least write a checklist) so that all my thoughts are gathered. Then it's easier to gather my supplies because I can see in front of me what I'll need. It also helps me stay on task because I have it right there what I'm supposed to be doing.

kstar850 avatar

I do this!! The way I've overcome it is when I'm starting what feels like a daunting task, I will Google a checklist on how to do it (or at least write a checklist) so that all my thoughts are gathered. Then it's easier to gather my supplies because I can see in front of me what I'll need. It also helps me stay on task because I have it right there what I'm supposed to be doing.

kstar850 avatar

I do this!! The way I've overcome it is when I'm starting what feels like a daunting task, I will Google a checklist on how to do it (or at least write a checklist) so that all my thoughts are gathered. Then it's easier to gather my supplies because I can see in front of me what I'll need. It also helps me stay on task because I have it right there what I'm supposed to be doing.

kstar850 avatar

I do this!! The way I've overcome it is when I'm starting what feels like a daunting task, I will Google a checklist on how to do it (or at least write a checklist) so that all my thoughts are gathered. Then it's easier to gather my supplies because I can see in front of me what I'll need. It also helps me stay on task because I have it right there what I'm supposed to be doing.

kstar850 avatar

I do this!! The way I've overcome it is when I'm starting what feels like a daunting task, I will Google a checklist on how to do it (or at least write a checklist) so that all my thoughts are gathered. Then it's easier to gather my supplies because I can see in front of me what I'll need. It also helps me stay on task because I have it right there what I'm supposed to be doing.

michelita avatar

Yeah, I can get compulsive when trying to get ready for a task.


I'm the same way, and if I don't have my very detailed plan of action all written down before starting a cleaning task, I will just make a much bigger mess than what I started with, and I'm never able to finish it. Sometimes, it helps me just to have someone with me, not to help, but to keep me company. Sometimes, that just ends up being a distraction, though. With some tasks, I will stop everything I'm doing, even if I'm making real progress, if someone comes home when I'm cleaning. I won't do anything at all until I'm alone again, but by the time that happens, I've lost motivation, so I'll kinda start back on what I was doing, but quickly lose interest, and decide there is something much more important that I need to go do outside or even away from home, like go help someone else do something at their house, or give someone a ride somewhere. I can't seem to find anything at all that consistently works for me, but I do know that I will never ask for anyone's help with anything, or even accept if someone offers to help me, because I have no idea what to have them do. I can be very particular about how I like things done, and I don't want to hurt their feelings when they don't do something the way I like it to be done. I can be a total control freak sometimes.

rainbowtoady avatar

Oh I love this

ladybugashley avatar

That’s exactly how I feel. I’m honestly not sure at times what to do. It’s good to have someone help I’ve found, but then, for me, I also have autism and OCD, so I am very particular about how it has to be organized or cleaned, meaning someone helping, they have to either know how to do it the particular way or for me to explain it or for me to just try my best to eventually get it done on my own 😅

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