Executive Dysfunction and Demand Avoidance
Does anyone else struggle to start a task of any kind? I literally CANNOT force myself to start a task if I've previously started thinking about it. For example, if I've thought about doing my laundry AT ALL during the day I CANNOT make myself do it when I get home. I will literally stand/sit/lay down and self talk myself to oblivion about how much of a piece of shit I am because I can't get up and wash clothes. It's like as SOON as a task becomes "needed" I can't make myself do it... I NEED a shower... nope. I NEED to eat.... nope. The only way I can get these things done is if I blind side my brain. Tell myself "meh I have till Friday to do the laundry, it can wait" but then on Wednesday I see the basket, just grab it toss it in the wash, and BOOM the process is started without heavy thinking so the avoidance and paralysis is broken... Is there a better way to deal with this, other than just trying to blindside myself into EVERYTHING? Because sometimes there isn't enough time to trick myself into doing everything I need to do.