LuluNZ78  avatar

There is a fantastic app called Calm that I use. It really helps to learn to meditate and has guided meditations

clumsyflow avatar

I have done meditation teacher training 🧘‍♀️ The easiest style of meditation for beginners is zen. This is when you simply just be. A good way to practice this is when you shower. You focus on your senses such as how the water feels, any smells, what you see such as steam, hear the water… when thoughts come up try to bring your attention back to the senses. You can also do this when you are walking or doing dishes. If you’re more active you can also try yoga or just putting on some music you like and moving your body ! You can also try concentrative meditation where you focus on one object like a candle flame and when your thoughts wander, with no judgement you just refocus. A traditional sit down meditation where you focus on your breath is also fine. Meditation is just about becoming aware of when your mind wanders and bringing it back to the present, cause your mind will never not think! But it can slow down . It will take practice but you can start with 5-10 minutes a day and you can experiment with what works with you 😊

ganchroi avatar

I use music because the whole "silence and focus" is not even possible for me. Putting on music that distracts me but isn't overly engaging helps me space out enough to meditate (or as close as I can get)

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