yaaaaaa avatar

I have the exact same problem

lalisa.boitel avatar

Because of executive dysfunction, we all know it and we’re all been through this! When you cannot move, you can try to grab your phone and play one of your current hyperfixation songs, and you try to get up at one specific moment, or at the moment you click on play! It usually works a lot for me, because my favorite music gives me instant dopamine, even for a short time, and helps me to get up and start to do my things. Try to say to yourself that you have to “grab a shirt” and not “get dressed”. It’s more easy to process and once you’ll have the shirt in your hands, it will be easier to actually get dressed. You can do it!

acADHDemic avatar

Because you have ADHD and need support for this task, which is one of my worst ADHD symptoms as well. I never figured it out. People told me to put my clothes out the night before… but that’s another task to forget and feel guilty for. If you don’t take meds in the AM that would def help. Otherwise you might have to disclose and tell whoever you’re responsible to that you need a leniency accommodation for your disability. It will never get easier so plan your life in such a way that you being late won’t be detrimental or inconvenient for anyone. If I had overcome this myself I’d share my secret but it’s meds or lifestyle that I’ve found helpful.

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